Why are people cutting me down for being pregnant?

Why do people look down on pregnant/teen moms? I mean.. I know that were young, but but could people at least let us have a little happiness? Im 16 and 5 months pego. My boyfriend and I are giving it up fpr adoption, but every time im feeling a little happy about it… People ( my mom) cuts me down, calls me a screw up, and takes all the happiness away. Its making me want to get my tubes tied and never get pregnant again. If I was 3 years loder, every one would be happy for me. I just want to know why people are like this.

Answer #1

It’s a hard situation for any family, especially for your mother. Your her baby girl, and your pregnant and having to give the baby up for adoption. That’s not exactly the life she dreamt of when she had you now is it? Expect her to be upset and feel disapointed, you would feel the same way if it were the other way around. Your still a child. Your mom loves you and just wants more for you than this. Also, yes if you were 3 years older, people would be more supportive, but your not. Your only 15. Your still a child in most people’s eyes. Your still in school. You still have a lot of life left to live. There’s a huge difference between a 15 year old and an 18 year old. I’m glad you made the right decision and are giving the baby up to a loving family. That’s very selfless of you and I wish you the best. Just try and understand your mom doesn’t mean anything by it, she’s just having a hard time dealing with the fact that her baby, has a baby in her stomach.

Answer #2

mandyloo, im not 15. lol ill be 17 in 2 months. lol im still going to go to school. im already having good state colledges mail me stuff. I just want whats best for eveyone. ( oh, when im 17… in three years, ill be 20. not 18.)

Answer #3

we’re doing a private, open adoption. I’ve already hand picked the parents. it is the best thing to do because I have school to worry about. plus, my family just isnt able to take care of a baby right now.

Answer #4

people are like that because they only want the best for you.. and you been prego is really hard to understand .. cause remember they were raised in a different time then us… so everyone will look at you like … bad girl… but that eventually will be forgotten … but not really quickly… just keep your head high and do the best you can do for you and your baby … its good that you are givin it up for adoption but is it the best thing to do for the baby… arent you scared of where your baby is going to end up? im not trying to make you sad or anythin but thats just a thought that came to my head… well I hope you luck through out your pregnancy… good luck with your life… hope everythin works out

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