Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Young Family
  2. y did it hurt so much?
  3. til death do us part. or not.
  4. Help, I have troublesome friends who I dont' fit in with!
  5. How Do You Toss A Guy Off?
  6. Throat hurts from kissing?
  7. how do you tell your friend datt you dont like herr ?
  8. in love with another man but dont want to hurt the kids!
  9. When to stop fingering?
  10. can someone give me some help???
  11. I feel like a horrible person for feeling this way...
  12. Breakup Help
  13. want to b the girlfriend
  14. my friend called her ex a prick what is that?
  15. What my is My girlfreidns name
  16. Will you Marry me
  17. my bff paris
  18. Did he mean it?
  19. Bestfriend guy or guy
  20. Will you girls marry me when I'm famous?
  21. What to do?
  22. Feelings of love
  23. Could i have been raped and don't remember?
  24. how 2 make myself cum when he goes down
  25. How can I make him jealous!?
  26. im 18 and I need freedom
  27. This is only for girls
  28. What do I do?? boy troubleee. HELP!!!
  29. The Tale of Two Hotties
  30. What should I do about this??
  31. hey I need a boost on this lol
  32. What is somthing amazing I could do to make my birthday supper fun?
  33. Scared to give a hj ...nervous?
  34. Does he want his space?
  35. Should I forgive him? and when?
  36. Breaking up
  37. Abotut gay
  38. Confusing, angry Ex, PLEASE help?!
  39. How do I deal with this and whats your story
  40. Is it too soon?
  41. Do you love this quote?
  42. The Ex wife...
  43. Could he be meeting someone else?
  44. My boyfriend wants to finger me
  45. Do you like sweet and nice guys.
  46. Girls, girls :Re-phrased" lol
  47. How do I tell them?
  48. Girls girls
  49. Why is life worth it?
  50. attracting women
  52. guys I need your help
  53. should I move out??
  54. There's this guy...
  55. do you think they were gay, or just dorks?
  56. Guy advise help!!!
  57. Big Problem. Friends Fightinggg.
  58. stupid girl
  59. What's up with this guy?
  60. I really like him (not sure if he does) =[
  61. What religion do I belong to?
  62. Why do I feel so alone!!!
  63. would some one want to date me???
  64. lesbian or not??
  65. Insucurity!
  66. Guy porn addiction
  67. Super fun survey
  68. Should I breakup with her?
  69. Why does he keep staring?
  70. What makes her say this ?
  71. I like this guy but I'm too shy to really talk to him much.
  72. Is he lying to me or playing around or really sick?
  73. My ex needs to calm down...please help!
  74. 5 year anniversary-and im only 18!
  75. In love with a married man
  76. Friends with someone that hurt you?
  77. Need advice on asking out exe's friend. HELP!
  78. reputation and depression
  79. sebaceous bumps
  80. who sings this country song?
  81. Should I break up with my girl friend?
  82. stress meds?
  84. Help girlfriend's parents caught me at there house when they came
  85. are moment was ruined because of me and this is why I need help
  86. how do I ask him out???
  87. servey
  88. Man money
  89. My girlfriend choses Nick Jonas over me...
  90. friend's question
  91. How can I make him love me?
  92. can someone help me and my g/f
  93. 2 years, big difference???
  94. what???
  96. how do I quit being commit-a-phobic?
  97. Get a girl to go on a date
  98. what do you consider cheating
  99. He never kisses me
  100. boyfriend vs ex boyfriend