Could i have been raped and don't remember?

Was I rape my sister said I was by my babysitter when I was little. But I dont reminder I used to have this bad dreams about him. And I hate when people put their hands on me, I never hug my guy family I don’t know know why. But I have been having the dreams again I woke up at my friends house cry and yelling./ I do you think I was rape. It kills me I could have been rape. I saw him 5 days befor the dreams came back./ Tell me what you think

Answer #1

wow you were thats so sad my bff was raped

Answer #2

How old are you? I feel definitely you need to speak with a professional counsellor or a close family member. How does your sister no this and was the baby sitter a family friend.

Answer #3

mayb you did. psychologically, your head will hold in memories and pain that you dont necessarily will remember. so mayb you did. how old were you when diz might of happened??? I suggest you get some soured of therapist so you can figure diz out and all cause diz can really start affecting you later down da road.

Answer #4

my sister was their and it happen to her . I was a rounded five to but/ why would some one rape a 5 year old kid. their dont have any thing. so I dont my sister was 11 when he was our babysitter so I don’t know maybe I am just have bad dreams it happens it dont mean it real. I could be making it all up or some thing and I don’t know. =[[

Answer #5

You need to talk to a therapist. Your subconscious could be trying to get you to remember. When young children are raped a lot of times they repress the memories. Find someone to talk to before you start to have more emotional problems.

Why do people rape children? Because they are sick and disgusting. Because they get turned on by children (even though they are not developed).

I was raped when I was 15 and I can tell you that I still have nightmares about it…dreams are your minds way (sometimes) of dealing with things.

I wish you all the best :)

Answer #6

It could be your subconcious trying to force you to remember something. Often when we’re young, we tend to block out traumatic events.

I was raped when I was five, and I didn’t become aware of it until I was a teenager.

This could have serious consequences on your mental state. I recommend you talk to a therapist and deal with the problem before it leaves you permanently damaged.

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