lesbian or not??

how do you know if your a lesbian??I kissed my best friend when I was like 5 because I was young and stupid but every since I watched the show The South of Nowhere, I keep having wierd fantasies about making out a girl. is that wierd?? and does that make my lesbianish??

Answer #1

hun, that was when you were five! it doesnt stick that long. this is actually pretty normal and you will most likely grow out of it. dont fret.

your fine.

Answer #2

Ok most people don’t have much control over what htey do when they are 5 years old, secondly I say that you dont need to worry about it. and if it is that big of a deal then just talk to your friend about it and see what she thinks then hopefully getting it off of your chest will relieve the makeout dreams. usually the brain makes dreams out of things that it see’s as possible but NOT definite. like deja vu. just play it kool and dont freak out.

Answer #3

no it dont mean your leasbian it maen that you just testin the field. basically what happened when you were 5 is nothin you didint know what you were doin so its fine…havin fantasie abut makin out with out girl is just mind growin trying to figure out where you belong and im pretty it will go away soon if it dont ITS OKAY I mean seriously you got to love ya self 4 who you are but just thinkin abut it DOESNT make you a lesbian

ps-if it did den id b da BIGGEST slut in da world ^_^

hope that help buoost up ya steam =D

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