Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Help do I tell him or not??!!!
  2. I've been so happy! but please help me
  3. please answer I need help asap!!!
  4. y dont boy understand
  5. should I cheat?
  6. Is it usual to feel so guilty?
  7. why is so hard to be faithful
  8. im afraid to finger myself.
  9. when is it okay?
  10. Still in love
  11. how do you finger urself?
  12. gettin my old girlfriend back
  13. What Should I Get My Girlfriend For Christmas?
  14. so there's this guy
  15. am I over my ex?
  16. is my friend making pornography?
  17. reverse cowgirl 2
  18. man trouble... again :(
  19. White gooey stuff comes out of my vagina from being fingered?
  20. friends and love
  21. what to talk bout?
  22. I keep lieing and I feel like a terrible person!
  23. why do I lie
  24. talk about what???
  25. the third wheel
  26. Why do we fall in love?
  27. my girlfriend wont give me head
  28. Interracial dating question..I am an Indian from India
  29. Need to move on but stuck
  30. Should I move in with my girl?
  31. Should I break up with her?
  32. Trusting him after cheating
  33. hmm I don't know where to begin
  34. Love?
  35. Is bleeding normal after being fingered?
  36. I like a girl that has a boyfriend but how do I win her over
  37. what should I get my girl for Christmas
  38. metal dead christmas ha.
  39. Getting Dumped... again
  40. still in love
  41. best friends causeing drama now that she is dating ex boyfriend
  42. has anyone ever been though somthing like this. help please
  43. My boyfriend's best friend is rude to me?
  44. how do I fing alone time w my boyfriend?
  45. Pleasuring myself
  47. crazy over him...
  48. HELP me with my girlfiend please
  49. Girls watching porn?/
  50. an old feeling.. is it ok?
  51. what kinds of things do teen girls want to hear from guys
  52. Tell Me Why
  53. What do you think?
  54. He chooses his job over so sad?
  55. I need your advice? Please Answer?
  56. Need some Friendship advice...
  57. what do you think is right?
  58. Weight, Money, Date.
  59. Where do you think he is?
  60. this really hot guy likes me!
  61. Does my boyfriend really love me?
  62. What age do guy's voices usually break?
  63. True love
  64. Boyfriend is cheating on me
  65. Does she still love me
  66. Feeling depressed
  67. What to do with my hands?
  68. Shoot out
  69. Fingering my girlfriend for the first time
  70. Pool: Morning or Bedtime???
  71. Should I stay or should I go?
  72. Help...I had a positive lh test, after ovulation...wats that mean?
  73. I need advice!!! I dont know what I should do
  74. Lost and missing my ex
  75. Evan and third base.
  76. How to confront a bff but not getting into a fight
  77. What does he mean by this?
  78. Pretty person
  79. Should I be scared?
  80. Baby wit enemys boyfriend
  81. Abnormal? Never had a partner.
  82. What would you say
  83. My womans mom walked in on us
  84. Is it wrong to swallow your own cum?
  85. Is there someone for everyone?
  86. How should I start talking to him
  87. How Do You Move On From Your First Love?
  88. How do I get over this and be happy?
  89. Is he going to ask me out?
  90. HELP how do I get him
  91. Do I count?
  92. Wow this kid is dissapointing me
  93. What do you find physically attractive in guys?
  94. Relationship help please
  95. How to get her horny?
  96. Getting pulled apart
  97. My friend has a 95% chance of dying!
  98. Who else thinks this is lame?
  99. What should I do?
  100. I Love Him