Need to move on but stuck

help me get over her. We dated for 1 1/2 years. We ended up fighting to much to keep a relationship strong. I still love her and always have and always will. I want her to be happy and thats the truth. I just want to stop hurting over her. We broke up 2 weeks ago I know its not been long but I just cant handle the constant pain. She’s calling me. telling me she loves me. calling me babe. it adds to the pain but if it makes her not hurt any im not going to say anything. I just want her to be happy. The truth is I dont want to date her again I dont think I just want her to be around I want her friendship…What can I do?

Answer #1

Personnally ; I think that you cant get over someone when they are still part of your life. The best thing to do is to take a break from and go your own way and do things that you enjoy doing; go out with your friends and stuff; you will miss her but it will help you get over her quicker. Once you guys have gone your seperate ways you will be ready to start a new friendship with her.

Answer #2

First, how old are you? Second, the first thing that happens when a couple calls it quits is that you will start to only remember all the good times, that is why we have grown women and men going back and forth into abusive relationships. If you want to be with this girl then set some rules from the get go, if she can’t handle them, then you need to move on and find a girl that is better suited to meet your future plans. It might be that the both of you are immature (relationshiply). This might be your first real relationship and if you have been fighting a lot, it is definately not preparing you for a Great relationship when you get older. We learn bad habits in a bad realtionship. Let her go, she needs to move on as well. Take some time to yourself away from her. If you want her as a friend then be prepared to set some rules for her. Because any other woman that comes into your life knowing that the two of you were a couple will not be happy when she just shows up at your door, I hope you understand!

Good luck

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