Where do you think he is?

so my boyfriend has been telling me he is going out of town to work in freemont with his best friend.. and he has been doing this for 2 weeks…

when he comes back to my area he is unshaved lol so I know he hasnt cheated on me.. but he keeps going and hes starting to go more and more with his friend to other places …

and I only get to see him some days and most nights…

do you think he is really working out of town or is he lying…

I am from that area where he is working and he did name a location that I knew

I don’t know =/

Answer #1

this is my last question…

are you telling me that two people cant find it in their hearts to forgive and forget and let love take over and be together… this doesnt have to happen right away… like in a few years?

Answer #2

he did say he wanted to start over and do things right.. so do you think hes lying about working…

Answer #3

I think he fell in love before the bad stuff and I fell in love after… the timing was off I think…

I just want to bring his love back… because mine is definitly here now.. hes my everything im so lost without him

Answer #4

Do you have any reason not to trust him? If not, then why aren’t you. He says he is going out of town to work, why don’t you believe him, there has to be more to the story than just that. Do you have trust issues? Has he messed up in the past? If not - then there is no reason why you shouldn’t believe him.

Answer #5

I know but you dont understand that I love him sooo muchh and heres another peice of history…

I had my own apartment at 16… so when we got together we eventually started just living together her at my place.. and he was such a good boyfriend until I kissed this guy from my past in my room while mario was outside he saw it through the window and he started crying and went crazy and was saying I love you and I stayed with him that night but after that it has been like we were getting even with eachother… we both played games…im 18 now and hes 19…

so im trying to get a clean start and I told him that and thats what I thought we were doing

I cant let him go since im at fault too=[ I love him so much I was just so immature and insecure and so was he…but we grew up

Answer #6

There’s nothing you can do to change his feelings doll. That’s life, heartaches happen.

I thought I couldn’t live without someone once - I was with him for 3 years, we lived together, we were engaged. I realized that I was in the relationship for all the wrong reasons - I got up the strengh to walk out and I don’t regret it. Of course it was hard, I had feelings for him, I loved him, but we weren’t right for each other.

You will not be lost without him, life goes on. I’m engaged again, planning a wedding, and have a beautiful son. I dont regret my choice at all.

You have a lot of thinking too do. Always put yourself first.

Answer #7

Honey, people fall in love with the WRONG people all the time, remember that. Just because you love him, doesn’t mean he’s right for you.

Playing games and cheating on each other is not saying that you love each other. If you loved each other, you wouldn’t do that to each other. It sounds to me that you have both been together so long, you don’t know what to do without each other, even though the relationship is falling apart, your hanging on for no reason.

I’m just being honest. If you love someone - you don’t cheat on them. Period. Love takes trust and faithfullness, you can’t have a healthy relationship without those two things. You need to rethink the whole relationship.

Answer #8

Honestly - no.

Cheating is one of those things that you never forget. You can say you forgive and forget all you want to - but it’s on your mind and everything that happens in the relationship is effected by it. Everytime he’s late coming home, every time he goes on a business trip, every time a unknown number calls him, you are going to remember that he cheated before and it’s going to get under your skin.

I’m sorry love, but it’s not something that can be fixed. Cheating causes so many trust issues.

Answer #9

well I already broke up with him when he left me in the morning…

havent heard from him since…

and im going crazy because I didnt beileve him and I always tell him hes lying and I don’t know… I feel like if I would have took our last chance seriously and not do stupid things like accuse him of doings things if he really isnt … I should of just started brand new like we were supposed to and not bring up old stuff.

I think this was my fault right…

Answer #10

Well in that case - why are you with him?

Seriously when a guy cheats on you, espcially more than once, he is showing you that he does not care about you. He has a past of cheating and breaking your heart - there is NO reason why you should be in a relationship with him.

He wasn’t thinking about you while he couldn’t keep his d*ck in his pants, so why are you thinking about him now. You staying with him after he cheated on you, tells him that you are a pushover and that he can get away with it.

Answer #11

yes he has! we have a 2 year long history of cheating and lying and breaking up and making up…

he finally broke it off 3 months ago to be with another girl… someone he was with before me I guess they ran into eachother.. and then she dumped him

and it took me till just a few weeks ago to take him back and I told him this was his last chance…

I broke up with him 2 days ago because he came at night to stay and said he wasnt going to leave me in the morning but then we woke up to his friend calling for him to go get him…he said he had to go because his friend already filled up the tank but he lied…

Answer #12

It’s not your fault - it’s both of your faults.

Ya’ll are over - leave it that way. It’s for the best. You need to learn how to live without him and not depend on him being there. It takes time, but you will see how much better life can be when your not contantly worrying about what he’s doing or being upset about things in the past.

It’s time to move on.

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