Love & Relationships Questions

  1. friends with an ex...
  2. should I tell someone???
  3. How to fix a awkward relationships?
  4. girls what part of the body do girls like men?
  5. Would you be annoyed???
  6. boyfriend getting mad
  7. How do you tell some one you love them ?
  8. Do guys prefer plastics or natural? Maybe in between?
  9. Can we just be friends?
  10. iam in luv but I dont know?
  11. How do you get a guy so hot for you
  12. who is she? and what does she want?
  13. next step???please TELL
  14. what's her deal?
  15. how long have I been going out with boyfriend?
  16. Satisfy My Man
  17. girls an scissoring!
  18. Converting Music
  19. what can I do with a jealous boyfriend?
  20. how big do you think robert pattinsons penis is?
  21. Makeout tips
  22. what does it mean when a guy calls you chubby?
  23. does thisss kid like mee
  24. I cheated and need help
  25. accused of cheatin on my boyfriend
  26. Guys:are there any capricorn guys in here?
  27. What do you guys look for in a girl?
  28. Flirting with my bestfriend
  29. special things 2 do for boyfriend
  30. what do we talk about?!?!
  31. Should I call him..Help
  32. How do I get over him?
  33. what do I do about my husband?
  34. I need a boy friend or a girl friend
  35. My Love is getting tie with someone else
  36. how do I know (edited)
  37. How do you get a boy to date you?
  38. eating out
  39. rock and a hard place
  40. wheres my best friend gone ?
  41. what do I do or how do I find out
  42. I really need help
  43. What should I do tell em or leave it a bit longer???
  44. what is the best position to do when...
  45. my ex boyfriend's behavior
  46. tell me da truth...don't lie
  47. haveing doubt's...
  48. who would the dad be??
  49. am I rushing?...
  50. This is a toughy...
  51. how to get to 10 inches?
  52. more time for love-making
  53. what should I do?
  54. date a geek?
  55. friend or boyfriend?
  56. Answer to my dream
  57. Get into someone
  58. Is she a true friend?
  59. Wife angry at me!
  60. cracking a nut shell
  61. Should I tell him I like him?
  62. Random thought about the Tyra Show
  63. giving head (BJ)
  64. how do I make my ex horny?
  65. how long to love?
  66. why do people asume I am gay?!?
  67. I want to be someones bella... sorry its long
  68. Rape..was this the right thing to say?
  69. why are guys so stupid??
  70. okay...
  71. Annoying Friend!
  72. I cant take it!!!
  73. not geting attached
  74. why do people do this to people they dont know
  75. Your first kiss
  76. Alway mad at me!
  77. white peps and rap
  78. Best friends :@
  79. Why the EX?
  80. relationships with someone in another country ...?
  81. Perfect dream date...
  82. Wats dya call da whitestuff
  83. any guys
  84. Love at first sight
  85. Whats up with girls?
  86. if someone cares
  87. How to deal with these type of people?
  88. need help with friends
  89. Young and engaged!
  90. Someone I Love
  91. Talking while fingering a girl?
  92. I moved out and my mom is really emotional, how can I help her?
  93. Should I stay,or should I go?
  94. I need help!!
  95. why is it like that?
  96. Making out for the first time...
  97. I'm clueless here...I'm confused
  98. What's a good thing to get for my boyfriend for our anniversary?
  99. how can you tell
  100. do you like to be hugged