friends with an ex...

my ex wants us to be friends and I don’t know we broke up 5 months ago but he still calls my mobile like everyday to talk and stuff he knows im going out with someone but wont stop calling I’ve told him to stop and im just a bit freaked that he will become possesive like he was in the realtionshipp what should I do? x

Answer #1

“Our relationship is over, Please move on, I do not want to feel like I’m being stalked”

Restraining order if needed.

Answer #2

um well you can always just try to b friends w/ him again it wont hurt anything but if he does turn out to b obsesive again you can always tell him you dont want to b friends anymore

Answer #3

dont be friends if he constanly calls and this is called stalking then he doesnt just wanbt to be friends, he wanst to be with you again and cant seem to move on tell him that its over, the two of you broke up, your happy with your new boyfreind, you dont want to be in a realtionship with him. and tell him that you can never have anything more than a freindship, and thats if he stops stalking you if you feel like his stalking is getting to be too much teel someone a pparent is the best person to tell but also the police

Answer #4

Stop taking his calls!

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