what do I do about my husband?

ok I have a 7 month old baby girl with my husband and sometimes it really seems like he would just rather play video games or be with friends then actully spend time with his daughter. I just feel like he is neglectful and like he wants me to just have everything at home and with our daughter wrapped up in a bow and have our perfect family but he does nothing to help. at all. he constantly wnats to play his xbox360 and doesnt even know how to take care of our daughter by himself. I know we are still young and he just doesnt undrestand but I expleain it to him and he just doesnt get it what do I do now.

Answer #1

A lot of my boyfriend’s have been gamers and I am one myself but I still know the difference betweent he real world and the fake fortunately…there is a lot of times when my boyfriend is like that with games but it is jsut another way liek some guys play sports to get stress under control. I say you talk to him and make agreement he should look after her for a while under your supervision and you teach him what to do..then let him o back to games..and when he seems like hes caught on enough for you to trust him tell him you need time to relieve stress or time alone and that he WILL take care of that baby too…he helped in makign it and he needs to do his share

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