am I rushing?...

well me and my boyfriend have been dating 4 a month and a half now, im a teen and I had my first kiss ever about 5 weeks ago, with him. and we like, made out yesterday… my mom keeps teling me im going to fast and not to rush, (she “accidently” saw us :/) but I dont feel like we are rushing, I am always smart bout this stuff and I am always sure about how I feel, I feel no rushy-ness… well I don’t know are we rushing? and, how far would I be able to go? (I lknow im not ready for “all the4 way”) but like, whats the limit for now? please help thnx!

Answer #1

its all what you think, its your relationship, nobody can tell you that you r rushing…its urs and his call on how far you go at a certain time…its a personal choice

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