Young and engaged!

ok so I asked my girlfriend to marry me a few weeks ago and she said Yes. She just turned 18 today and I turn 17 in 13 days. We decided to wait around a year before having the actual wedding. This way we can start college…Is there any advice you can give me.
Oh yeah I love her so much, not just infatuation and she feels the same about me. I literally could not live w/out her. People say I’m too young and I realize that. We been dating for a lil over a year too if that helps. Thanks=)

Answer #1

If you are in love then why do you need to get engaged now? Love is suppose to be patient! Have you even thought about how you will support yourselves while going to college? There are serious challenges to marrying young. Ask yourselves why you want to get married. If your reasons include wanting to get away from your parents, pregnancy, or fear of losing one another, don’t get married. Being on your own does free you from parental control, but this change in lifestyle brings along a whole new set of responsibilities in your lives. You will have to deal with financial issues, where to live, jobs, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, decision making, in-laws, continuing your education, and if pregnant, child care.

The fact is that most teen relationships — even the strongest ones — usually end. The key word here is lifetime — and that’s a very long time, making the commitment a very serious decision. For teens, romantic relationships can begin and get serious very quickly. We think they will last forever. But they rarely do. Young couples think that by getting married they are ensuring their relationship. They feel that by getting married the other person will never leave them. All you have to do is look at the high divorce rate of teen marriages to realize that this is not true. You both are still growing, & changing. Some will grow apart once they are older. Some will learn that they really did not love their spouse as much as they thought they did. Some will regret getting married all together. A teen couple should consider some sort of pre-marital counseling. This counseling could help the teens decide if they are really meant to be married or if they should wait. They could also talk to other people who have gotten married as teens. This could give you an idea of what life will be like after marriage. It is better to wait until you are older, more mature and more established in life. You don’t want to look back one day and realize that you didn’t really get to be a teen and young adult.

You need to remember that being married is not all fun and games. Life is tough for married teens. So this decision should not be made lightly or quickly.

Answer #2

Wow you are really young but instead of waiting a year to have the wedding why don’t you guys move in together and see what it’s like to actually live with the one you love. Dating is one thing but living together is another. If that goes well then that’s when you know your relationship is ready for marriage. Just because you’re in love doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready for marriage. If the love is really there then there’s no need to rush the marriage; time, patience, and commitment after all does make everything stronger.

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