Why the EX?

Why is it wrong to go out with your best friends ex? why is it wrong to be friends with your ex? why can’t you move on and get over it? you can’t control who you fall for if theirs a connection then what can you do about it…? Really explain,think about your answers?

Answer #1

becaus even thou your friends clame to b over them they never really are and if you date them they might say im happy for you but they might regret telling you its ok they will think back and say “oh I wonder how our relationship would have ended up if I stayed wiht them “they will never tell you the truth because they dont want you to no that they still care because they still dwell on the past on all the fun times you shared together and you cant decide if your going to fall 4 some one or not they you fall 4 the person that is like your oposite you can never take back the feeling you have 4 some one your not ment to control who you fall 4

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