who is she? and what does she want?

my boyfriend has this friend that im not really a fan of , ill tell you why. once we were on the phone together around 3 am , suddenly he gets a text from her at 3 am , if im not mistaken only girlfriends call or text their boyfriends at a late hour like that , right? another time we were hanging out together in uni , he gets a call from her telling him that she needs help getting rid of a stalker , he doesnt leave too quick but he cuts the hang out short , and frankly I didnt like that . I need to know who is she , what she wants from my boyfriend and how can I get rid of her?

Answer #1

That sounds totally bad, girl! For one thign a boyfriend who loves his girlfriend WOULD NEVER EVER cut out time with her over a friend for a stalker problem. That is what police,dads,brothers are for, Not somebody else’s boyfriend!!! Talk to him tell him you are not happy with this chic and not happy that he would cut time out for such a lame excuse with her! If he argues with you over it or makes excuses..tell him bye bye sweetie and move on. there are other damn hot and sexy guys out there who actually knows how to treat a girl right!

Answer #2

That is defiantly a fishy situation. Here is the thing if he has never done anything for you not to trust him then I would just talk to him and tell him that it makes you feel uncomfortable. But if he has cheated on you then I would say he is probably doing it again. If its a good friend of his then you cant really ask him to get rid of her. Just ask him and tell him how its making you feel. If he really cares about you then he will understand. Good luck

Answer #3

well 1st ask him an then ask can you meet then tell her what the pro iz an den yall shud be str8

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