what's her deal?

hmmm my girlfriend has been coming off pretty strong lately. she’s always in my face about something, questioning who I’m with all the time and constantly asking me to spend the night at her place. so I went over like twice and as I was sleeping I felt something a little weird, so I got up and there she was… in my pants!

I had no clue what to do at that point. I screamed because it was so awkward but then she begged me to chill but I just couldn’t so I went to sleep in her brother’s room cause we’re close friends. when morning came I left pretty early so I wouldn’t run into her. I haven’t seen her since, and she’s been asking around for me but I’ve been avoiding her because I don’t know how to approach her.

so what should I do?

Answer #1

Yea tel her you want to take it slow and that her springing it on you unexpectidly like that didn’t feel nice at all. Communication, make sure you don’t loose that. Once you loose that you loose it all unfortunetly

Answer #2

Tell her you don’t like her in that way and that you think of her as a close mate and nothing else. Make sure you say NOTHING ELSE other wise she wil think oh yea close mate and maybe one day boyfriend.

Answer #3

tell her how you feel…tell her that you dont want to move that fast

Answer #4

well we are dating though

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