friend or boyfriend?

This guy told me that he likes me and that he has for ages,hes sweet and kind and funny theres nothing wrong with him its just hes one of my best friends and im scared that if I start to go out with him its going to ruin everything I already have with him.but theres apart of me that kinda does feel something for him what should I do please help!!!x

Answer #1

your bond shouldnt break because love is SLIGHTLY stronger than friendship

=] flaming chicken

Answer #2

I would go for it… your not losin anything maybe it wont affect your friendship (if it dont work)

Answer #3

My best friend is a lad, and I have been best mates with him 4 5/6 years now. If he said to me I like you or summart, tbh I would give it ago because even if it didnt work out if you were really best mates you would still be if it didnt work out. You only live once and never have regrets, and just think a best mate knows you more then anyone so its bond to work. X

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