Love & Relationships Questions

  1. How do I tell a lass I don't wanna be more than friends
  2. Guys help?
  3. how do you tell a boy you like a subtle way?
  4. Meeting the folks
  5. Ima doing a bad thing??
  6. Should I forgive hym?
  7. He makes fun of me and my interests.
  8. Why do people get engaged to 'fix' a relationship?
  9. My life seems unfilled.
  10. Whats he saying
  11. How can I get my life back?
  12. Was it an orgasim?
  13. Any other guys?
  14. How do I make my girlfriend happy
  15. Woahh, boy trouble. <3
  16. Bored lol.
  17. Afraid of talking
  18. Breaking up
  19. Have you ever been used?
  20. I have a crush on a good friend
  21. Invite or not???
  22. Type of guy
  23. After break up with girl friend
  24. Likes a jerk
  25. Places to go with your boyfriend
  26. "I thought you're a person I know" question... lol!
  27. if you need a big favor, what do you say?
  28. fingerrringgg:)
  29. What is the weak point?
  30. How do you ask him?
  31. Cheating, why do you do it?
  32. 16 and wants a baby
  33. Is this a form of rape? What do I do now?
  34. D0es he really love me?
  35. Thinking back
  36. how do I ride my boyfriend?
  37. What should I say?
  38. Worried mind/Fear of loseing my love
  39. Why was he looking back at me, but freaked when I made eye contact
  40. My friend is being a drama queen
  41. I like both of them
  42. Im very jealous
  43. you say you can help
  44. how to do this without asking???
  45. my girlfriend treats me bad..
  46. Not beleived even when telling the true
  47. What the f*** do I do??!!!
  48. What does this guy's behaviour indicate?
  49. Hair on penis shaft
  50. Whyy is incest illegal ?
  51. He wants to loose his virginty to me, but we havnt kissed
  52. While hugging him...?
  53. Is it normall to have a crush on 2 guys???
  54. your favorite nickname???
  55. Getting over him!!!
  56. Sweet things to do..
  57. what ?s can I ask a girl that likes me
  58. Could anyone help me with a boy problem?
  59. I call it unfaithful to your girlfriend!!
  60. I'm nervous...I'm meeting his family
  61. love triangle
  62. What should I do
  63. Wtf is a wet dream
  64. how do I get her to like me?
  65. How can we fix our relationship?
  66. how can you know if she has a boyfriend without asking directly .
  67. what is the difference between a love and a crush.
  68. My friend is throwing his life away. what do I say to him?
  69. Misstaken or not
  70. girlfriend
  71. Are these feelings normal?
  72. How to tease my girlfriend
  73. Convo ruined
  74. How can I tell if a guy likes me?
  75. I'm 14 and I have had a girlfriend for 5 months but shes so prude!
  76. I dunno wot to do :(
  77. The girl I like has a boyfriend, and I kissed her. help please
  78. Why do guys have to be cheaters?
  79. What is the stuff in my underwear!!
  80. Vigina Tighting Help?
  81. Hit Gurls
  82. Loving a girl who already had a boyfriend but not now
  83. Who do I contact if my friend is about to get killed?
  84. Get over
  85. Write to someone in prison?
  86. Fighting...How can I make it stop!?!?!
  87. Who was your first love.
  88. Boyfriend - Bestfriend
  89. Are you loyal to your mate,or your bff?
  90. do guyesss like
  91. dating somebody else younger or older than you
  92. Depreesed!
  93. How do I subtly flirt or tell a guy I like him.
  94. Who should I beleive?
  95. Fiance Died
  96. How to know if a boy likes you?(specially for guys)
  97. Where to find a boyfriend??
  98. Why does he always find fault with me?
  99. I acually made him cry
  100. Staring (please give an advice)thanks =]