Whyy is incest illegal ?

Whyy is incest illegal when were all pretty much brothers and sisters because we had to start out with just a male a female and there kids made kids adn they made kids etc and we are all related so whyy is incest illegal

Answer #1

No, incest is illegal not for Religious reasons but also scientific reasons. I would say how but ichibanarky already has the answer.

Answer #2

Ichi beat me to the punch. But he is mostly talking science wise. It’s also mostly illegal due to the Christian belief that concieving a child with a blood relative is “ Un-holy. “ and due to the fact that most laws out there are based on Christianity, of course it would be illegal in the U.S.A. As for the Adam and Eve Story, it wouldn’t make sense. If it was true, then all families were created by incest. Like, If Adam and Eve made two families, where would the sons/daughters find a wife/husband? The other family is the only choice they have then, so incest just developed.

Answer #3

“because we had to start out with just a male a female”

You believe in Adam and Eve, don’t you?

Well, evolution-wise, we didn’t start out with one male and one female…there were numerous males and females evolving through each phase.

However…incest is considered illegal in some countries, but not all.

Children produced as a result of incest are known to have weakened DNA structure and often have a physical disability or lack of mental capacity.

Answer #4

were all pretty much brothers and sisters because we had to start out with just a male a female

…had to, huh? Prove it.

Answer #5

were not all brothers and sisters but were somehow related lol! your my familyy.. :P well tbh I dunno why but it is grosss.

Answer #6

Well, I’m laughing right now because people are saying it is wrong without explaining. XD

Way back in the US, people thought Blacks marrying whites was disturbing and disgusting. Does that make their claim right because the majority thinks it?

Answer #7

Because it is disgustingly wrong. You were put on the earth to reproduce, yes, but not with your family! it is just morally wrong- you are related. Not to mention the disadvantages to the child.

Answer #8

because the church has beat people for hundreds of years about it being evil so now if you ask ALMOST anybody they will repeat what they were taught! what makes it illegal! people that would rather just react than think…

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