Who should I beleive?

Well my boyfriend broke up with me last friday out of no where. It was so unexpected. So I ask my friends if they new why he did that and they said he probably used you or likes another girl or something. Then I ask him why he did it and he said it was he wanted to be single. Then I ask if all the things my friends said about him were true (because his friends are also mine) and he said they probably sed that because they dont want us together. So now I don’t know who to beleive my friends or him?

Answer #1

should it really matter whats a lie and what isn’t. don’t belive either, it shouldn’t really matter, yall broke up theres nothing you can do about it pick up and move on

sorry ifs thats harsh its just the truth and it will only help unless you listen to it, because when you think about it does it really matter??

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