
ok so I finger myself all the time. I always have guys asking me if they can. I tell them no but I really want them 2 I just think its weird having someone elses fingers up your vigina. and it would be smart 2 shave your area before someone fingers you right??

Answer #1

Well im supposed to be getting fingered one day soon by my boyfriend. he really wants to do it and im not that bothered by it tbh but im just scared its gunna hurt ? and im worried that ill bleed or something. please help me out here! and my boyfriend also said something about me moaning? :S please help, it will be appreciated :) x

Answer #2

I think you should wax not shave or use veet because sometimes when I do it I get a rash lool if your comfortable with the boy you should ask him what he would like you 2 do with your pubes

Answer #3

y should you shave just for them

shaving aint so smart couz you could get a rash

lol trim lol

and if you always finger you don’t your arm start to ach lol

let some 1 do it and see if you like it if not don’t let em do it

Answer #4

Is this really a 19 yr old asking? Try putting your REAL age down!!

I always have guys asking me if they can>>Why are you so willing to be so cheap? If your not in a loving, commited relationship, why would you even think about letting some horny boy who asks… finger you? Doesnt say much about the kind of girl you are! Boys ONLY use girls who put out…they DONT date them!

Answer #5

When a guy knows what he is doing, then him fingering you is amazing. I myself was a little uncomfortable with it at first… thinking just like you, “its weird to have someone elses fingers up there” lol. But its not. I wouldnt just let anyone finger you though. You dont want a bad reputation. And its up to you if you want to shave. Its all about prefference.

Answer #6

omg so your saying she shoudl have a brazil just for a lad to finger her

lve do wot ever you want its no 1 place to tell you wot to do your not a lil poodle

to me honestly you shouldn’t have to do anything wid your self
you don’t have to let pplz finger you or anything

Answer #7

well guys want to because they think its hot and enjoy giving you pleasure I guess. I guess it would be more pleasurable because its not you but then again they dont know you better than yourself so you kinda have to help them out a bit. and then the shaving… well yea waxing is better but hurts more doesnt it?!… depends on the guy though… some like no hair at all others like a small others dont mind. as long as your comfortable kinda thing… =)x

Answer #8

Just ‘some’ guys. Don’t be so easy.

Answer #9

2 mii iitsz not weird 2 have a guy finger yu, I’ve done iit so many tiimesz 2 ma gur friends iin dah past…but iit wud help 2 shave, yu don’t have 2 go completely bald, but a lot of hair iis kinda nasty/

having a guy’s finger, isnt really that bad, ma ex’s say iitsz an experience yu want !

Answer #10

yah I know..guys insist that they finger a girl before they have sex with you..and about the shaving.. you should try waxing..its better than shaving..

Answer #11

you should shave… very unnatractive and like having a guys fingers up there aint so bad..I been told.. once you try it it will hurt at first but you get used to it…juss be careful with who you choose. by the way im a dude… my girl tellin me to put dis up here lol

Answer #12

Okay first of all most guys dont like body hair. so shave. second of all its actually not weird after a while. and it is kinda weird when its just some guy. make sure its someone your comfortable with. because personally do you want some weirdo touching your vagina? lol. but other than that yes its wayyy batter than doing it yourself (:

Answer #13

Girls who gives guys what they want dontvget what they want in return a kid but it’s your choice just make sure they have a condom an know how to wear it right

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