Breaking up

Can someone truly remain friends with someone after they break up? It seems my boyfriend and I have hit that “3 year mark point” where we either move on with,or without eachother. I just want to know if it’s hard being friends with someone who you’ve been with so long,and if it’s not awkward,or there being jealous feelings..

Answer #1

You can be friends, I have done it with my ex of 3 years. It took us over a year before we could hang out and be comfortable. He now has a girlfriend and I am A-OK with it. I have found someone who makes me truly happy and I think that is what helped me get over my ex. Good luck!

Answer #2

you can be friends but make sure you over him enough 2 see him wit another girl

Answer #3

All together if we did break up,I really do want to remain friends. He said he feels the same way,and I believe him,but you never know,people change,and people change their minds.. I do love him,I don’t know if I could handle being friends if he’s gonna see other people. Don’t believe he would so quickly,but like I never know lol

Answer #4

I think your right it is hard. I’m going through it now “just friends” after you look at that person more than a friend. theres so many emotions. it feels like he’s playing games and using the just friends because he wants to see other people and hold to you at the same time. I’m not saying its not possible but it takes time. who knows you may find someone who really cares about you and wants more. Good luck either way

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Dating, Marriage, Breakups