He wants to loose his virginty to me, but we havnt kissed

me and my boyfriend are 13, we have been dating since 2007. I love him so much and he loves me, but we havnt kissed. I mean we have on the hand and the cheek and he touches me a lot, but we havnt actually kised. and he told me that he wants to loose his virginity to me before he turns 16! I kindof want to aswell but I want to kiss him 1st, what can I do? btw dont give me any “your to young shit” because I wont listen

Answer #1

uhm, I will give you the “your too young sh!t” because guess what? your too young. fine then choose not to listen, but when you regret it later dont say I didnt tell you so.

ha just dont do it. seriosuly, your 13, sorry to break it to you but your gonna find other guys. do you know the chances of a relationship at your age lasting forever? like a one in a million. so you dont wanna loose your virginity to just him. wait a while, dont get to far ahead of yourself,

and about the kiss thing, if yall havent even kissed what makes you think yall are ready for sex.?

think about everything over again. take a step back and look at it sensibly. oh and im 13 too, and I can still see that this is wrong, I know you think your in ‘love’ (notice the stuck up quotations around love) but aside from that just see how naive your being about this, do you seriosuly not see anything wrong with the situation?

it would be a big mistake but hey, I cant stop you.

Answer #2

btw dont give me any “your to young sht” because I wont listen* so dont give me the im to young s I will make the decision 4 myself*

If you aren’t going to listen… then DON’T ASK FOR ADVICE.

Answer #3

im 13 too and im tried of people sayin that im too young to so just f* them :) and kiss him when its romantic just lean in for the kiss then when uve kissed a lot go for the sex :)

Answer #4

hey; ok so im 14 and I’ve kissed my boyfriend plentyyy of time. I think its kinda important to kiss before having sex. you can talk to him. or give him hints that you wanna kiss him or you can just make your move instead of waiting for him to make his. its all up to you.

Answer #5

well the first step to a decision like that is of course gonna begin with a first kiss! go for it girl! take charge and plant one on him. I doubt he’ll complain. once you get past the nervs its smooth sailing from there. best of luck =)

Answer #6

im not saying im definatly going to its just obviously we probly wont b together 4 eva but my parents have been together since they were 15 and there like 40 now. there is a chance that we will be together 4 a long while to cum. im not definatly gonna do this but I realy realy love him and yer. so dont give me the im to young s* I will make the decision 4 myself

Answer #7

Don’t get bold…you’re going to hear the “you’re too young sh*t” whether you want to listen or not

You’re both 13…you’re just kids.

You haven’t even had a real kiss yet, and now you’re talking about having sex?

You honestly don’t see anything wrong with this?

You’re extremely naive and immature to think that you’re even close to ready for that.

Answer #8

If you aren’t going to listen… then DON’T ASK FOR ADVICE.

captainassassin just said it all.

Answer #9

fine how do I get him 2 kiss me then?

Answer #10

One step at a time… don’t get ahead of yourself… you aren’t ready.

Answer #11

I’ve kissed heaps of guys before, its just I dunno my boyfriend now is diff, he acts like he duznt want to

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