Politics & Law Questions

  1. What would happen if Gore entered the race ?
  2. Would a joint Obama/Hillary ticket work and would Hillary do it?
  3. Do you agree with this?
  4. Whats Your Opinion on illegal immigrants?
  5. How many remember 9/11?
  6. Who's going to be your new President?
  7. Why dont people like Anarchists?
  8. What would Martin Luther King Say about Immigration
  9. What do Israelies think of Obama?
  10. Why is the fed most worried about inflation and not the poor?
  11. Marion Cotillard comments on Twin Tower Collaps, was she right?
  12. Current president of sri lanka?
  13. Israel - Middle east conflict
  14. Does america still hate Nazis?
  15. Is NAFTA responsible for US immigration woes?
  16. Why is America bent on killing people in other places?
  17. Why can't the US just mind its own business like Canada?
  18. What do you think of the Democratic candidates?
  19. Should gay marriage be legalized in Florida?
  20. What should I do when someone calls me racist?
  21. Government and the Media
  22. Are KKK members really voting for Obama?
  23. Why is new york called new york?
  24. Sites for foreign affairs?
  25. Does Alan Keyes Have Any Chance In The Presidential Elections?
  26. Is Hawaiian Gold bud really legal?
  27. Anyone hear about this Texas shooting?
  28. Who will win: Clinton or Obama?
  29. Do you agree with the idea of Communism?
  30. Thoughts on stem cell research?
  31. Should smart people smoke weed?
  32. Would whites seem racist if we had white history month?
  33. What are the police like in your area?
  34. Views on drinking age limit?
  35. Freedom Tower
  36. Russia Tower smaller than planned?
  37. How much change can Obama deliver?
  38. What do you think of Ron Paul?
  39. Why are people prejudiced?
  40. Im scared of 9/11
  41. Who destroyed the philistine force in israel?
  42. Is this Feminist correct ?
  43. The Age of the West is over?
  44. Does the media toy with the Democratic nomination?
  45. Should The Uk Be Split Up?
  46. Right move or Wrong move ?
  47. Will pressure be put on Super-Delegates by Clinton?
  48. Could this plan work?
  49. Scottish Independance
  50. Could this plan work ?
  51. First Lady's email address
  52. What's Laura Bush's email address?
  53. Who else is voting for Clinton?
  54. America without illegals?
  55. War funding
  56. How to contact a politician?
  57. Should children be allowed to vote?
  58. Aren't we all illegal in the us?
  59. What solution would you offer ?
  60. Is society in ruins inevitable?
  61. What do you think about banning cigarettes for good?
  62. Do you think there is true separation of Church and State?
  63. Sharia Law in the UK?
  64. Are you getting tired of US election news in your country?
  65. Is weed going to get legalized?
  66. Process for getting something on the ballot in California?
  67. Who would be the smartest VP candidate for McCain?
  68. Has anyone read Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler?
  69. Democrat or Republican to win?
  70. What do you think of Romney suspending his Campaign?
  71. What's the difference between Democrats and Republicans?
  72. How do you feel about the 2nd Amendment?
  73. Why are rednecks so racist?
  74. The US Presidential Race
  75. Does the government need to reform the prison industry?
  76. Would you support an end to taxes on wages?
  77. Who won super tuesday on the democrat and republican sides?
  78. Do you think I can be the next Prez?
  79. What are most people against?
  80. Did you vote on Super Tuesday?
  81. What's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican?
  82. When is your Country's National Day?
  83. Have you heard of the shocking and ridiculous Mississippi bill?
  84. Who's in charge of the US Military?
  85. Super Tuesday
  86. Should the world have been conquered?
  87. Anyone like Hitler?
  88. Hillary Clinton wants to garnish your wages to pay for healthcare?
  89. What happens if Hilary Clinton becomes president?
  90. What are interesting facts about the Irish Potato Famine?
  91. No offense, but we Americans are aweful ignorant, what to do?
  92. Is imperialism good or bad?
  93. Did Hitler really die?
  94. Why do people dislike Hilary Clinton?
  95. Who do you think will be the next President of the US?
  96. Am I Democrat or Republican?
  97. Is it illegal to take nude pictures of youself?
  98. Should the government run and control health care?
  99. Why do people like Obama?
  100. Are either of these candidates too liberal to vote for?