Why are people prejudiced?

Why are people prejudiced against other races?

Answer #1

Sorry, forgot to add, it can often be due to prejudice instilled in them from their own parents at an early age and as an adult, they decide to continue accepting this and do not challenge their belief as they continue to believe and trust that their parents were correct.

Its worth bearing in mind that PEOPLE ARE NOT BORN NATURALLY PREJUDICE!

Answer #2

Because they are naturally scared of people that are different because they do not understand their culture.

Answer #3

Sadly, I think it’s the tribal instinct kicking in, reinforced with ignorance.

In a day when we strive so hard to control our instincts, some people let that one wander unabated.

Answer #4

They fear you are going to take control of their world somehow. Look at how Mexicans are being hated because of illegal immigration. I’m no illegal immigrant but I sure get some nasty snares. Just think of them as immature and go on. They are the sorry one’s. I don’t pay mind to them.

Answer #5

I don’t know :(. Its really mean and it should END. There are a lot of reasons why people are like that. It could be how they were brought up, aka parents and friends etc. It could also be that they think they’re better than you, or it could be because they’re jealous of you. But the best thing that you can do is never show prejudism to OTHERS. Always stick to what you believe in. I know people like that can be frustrating, but all you can really do is feel sorry for them because they’re just ignorant and they’re just going to rot in their own hatred. We’re all the same, and should be treated equally.

Answer #6

Agreed Nick!

Answer #7

sterotype if its not what they are its wrong the are insecure with themselves

Answer #8

parents can really screw you up sometimes.

Answer #9

Because they’re dumb.

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