Politics & Law Questions

  1. Who here is Pro-Life???
  2. What wrong with this police guard these days?
  3. How many ethnic groups live in Europe today?
  4. Why is no one reporting on ClimateGate Scandal?
  5. Why is Cloward & Piven strategy being implemented by Obama?
  6. What is your opinon?
  7. how did queen Elizabeth 1 make the world better?
  8. How can someone propose a bill to Congress on Federal level?
  9. How,... is this illegal?
  10. How do you beat in assault charge case in court?
  11. Can someone please explain GDP to me?
  12. What would you do if you had you own Kingdom?
  13. Where can I find anti gun control info?
  14. Can you spend 26% of GDP in ONE year and be sustainable?
  15. Who funded many patriot groups?
  16. How many U.S. senators does lousiana have?
  17. Who thinks the new Australian Liberal Leader Tony Abbott sucks?
  18. How can I make a change on the world?
  19. What is the morrill tariff act?
  20. When is Obama going to have microchips put in the American people?
  21. Should men be allowed to vote on abortions?
  22. Why -is the usa in economic crisis?
  23. Who where the first people in what I now called usa?
  24. Why is prostitution illegal?
  25. What do you think, Are we coming out of the recession?
  26. What are all the statutory rape laws in Alberta Canada?
  27. what ecomoic system does jersey have?
  28. What are the positive and negative impacts of migration?
  29. What do you think of interracial relationships?
  30. What- does canada support factory farming?
  31. Who believes that the F. Hood terrorist attack could have been?
  32. What do most people that now others that had an abortion think?
  33. How would Christianity affect a theocratic governments policies?
  34. what are the different types of enlistment and times for them?
  35. Who knows smoking info?
  36. Is weed worse than alcohol??
  37. British advantages and disadvantages during the revolutionary war
  38. Why do Canadians act like Obama's there president?
  39. Why is sucicide ilegal?
  40. He lied on everything
  41. What if...Sarah Palin ran for President?
  42. There's been some joking about Texas' secession...but why not?
  43. White racism
  44. how did geography impact the development of culture in Asia?
  45. How did geography impact the development of culture in Asia?
  46. 21st ammendment?
  47. Propaganda line
  48. My friend went to jail for a crime his friend did.
  49. What led to americans to become more invoved in world affairs?
  50. What approach do you feel would be the best policy for america
  51. Does anyone know the handgun laws???
  52. Does anyone know the law about being asked to leave a premesis?
  53. What is the difference between murder and manslaughter?
  54. Can afghan war be won?
  55. heard off the Fort Hood Shooting Spree in Fort Hood TX ?
  56. Should the kkk have the right to assemble
  57. What are some major beliefs of the catholic church?
  58. How do I contact Commissioner Margaret Hamburg?
  59. was James Madison a good president + why?
  60. How would we bring truth and justice to the federal reserve?
  61. America: Lucky or Selfish?
  62. Tired of Bad Economy?
  63. Driving law in maryland?
  64. I need a simile for the holocaust is like... because...
  65. What is "Japanese"?
  66. Persuading Japanese Internment Camps?
  67. Why is pollitcs so borin?
  68. question about U.S. federal government run health insurnace plan
  69. Why have they been called this???
  70. who wins Savage Nation or UK
  71. who wins sean hannity or keith olberman
  72. John Kennedy
  73. What do these cartoons mean?
  74. Obama???
  75. War in the middle east
  76. Got in trouble for not respond to jury duty notice Brooklyn ny?
  77. What has obama done?
  78. Dose america have 50 states or 51?
  79. Can someone help me with my federalist papers?
  80. What were John Wilkes Booth's contributions to the war efforts?
  81. Canada-Britain Relation
  82. Can a convicted felon posess an air rifle?
  83. How do you build a special interest group?
  84. Can you get your US green card (residency) taken away if you are sent to jail?
  85. do you belive the world should turn to socialism?
  86. The main info about the civil war.
  87. War in israel
  88. Dead US Casuality?
  89. Alcohol prohibition required a Constitutional Amendment...
  90. Is the Proclamation Act of 1763 the same
  91. What would you write to the governor of ny about the death penality
  92. Why is pot illigal?
  93. Alcohol vs. Pot. Why is one legal?
  94. The post cold war era
  95. Will our dollar fail, and what will happen if it does?
  96. What is wrong about obama winning the nobel prize?
  97. Should Obama have won the Peace prize?
  98. Why did Obama get a Nobel Peace Prize?
  99. Government made the H1N1 flu?
  100. Symbols of freedom?