Government made the H1N1 flu?

Do you think the government made the H1N1 flu to kill off some of the americans so we would stop being over populated?

Answer #1

Wow… If only North Korea had it in them - That would definitely solve the population problem, but not universal ignorance… Go read a damn dictionary, Synyster1666! Oh, and why the hell are you all questioning stupid little conspiracies when you should be questioning our government directly!? It’s 2000 and 9, get active people!

Answer #2

Studies have shown that the genetic construction of H1N1 (which includes bird, pig, and human DNA) is impossible to reproduce in nature, and therefor must be a lab-made virus. However,I highly doubt that it was engineered with the intention of poulation control. More likely, it’s just another scam bent on raping your wallets in exchange for a placebo vaccination. Shut off your televisions and do something with your lives already.

Answer #3

to think just one government would be involved is stupid being that we are closer than ever to a one world government so it is not so farfetched to the think that our world leaders would try to kill two billion people to save money instead of giving up some of their own

Answer #4

LOL captainassassin…my sentiments exactly.


Answer #5

no for one a few thousend pepole wow thats a lot why not just nuce china

Answer #6

I think that Obama personally concocted it himself to further his national healthcare agenda so that crack hoes, welfare queens, illegals from Kenya, blacks, and all other undesirables would get free access to morphine. [[/conservative] /liberal]

(just in case anyone can’t figure out this is a spoof, it’s a spoof)

Answer #7

absolutley not!

H1n1 as been around for several decades and originated in other countries. This is just a stupid conspiracy theory and is not true in the least.

Answer #8

*the govt is there to protect not to kill

that is not always true… look at Kent State… Wounded Knee…

Answer #9

the govt is there to protect not to kill

Answer #10

seeing as how we are far from being overpopulated compared to countries like China and India… It’s highly unlikely.

xox Sika

Answer #11

Boy, if it were possible to develop a flu strain that would only kill the idiots…

Answer #12

How exactly would this help Obama? It killed more mexicans than Americans

Answer #13

lol what?! its just a question…no one said that these questions had to be serious. but you really never know. =D

Answer #14

dont you think if they really wanted to lower population they would release smallpox and not a stupid flu?

Answer #15

rolls eyes

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