Why is prostitution illegal?

I agree with the late and brilliant George Carlin on this subject. You’re allowed to f*ck someone, and you’re allowed to give them money. Whats wrong with combining the two?

Can anyone give me a good reason as to why prostitution is illegal? And I mean good as in SENSABLE, REASONABLE, and INTELLIGENT. Saying “Its gross” doesn’t fit my request. Thank you, and leave your opinion :)

Answer #1

The reason I think that it’s illegal, and I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s because it’s not politically acceptable. Politicians have to pander to the common man and the gutter press, so that usually means throwing all logic and practicality out of the window. Prostitution is actually legal in at least one place in the US, I saw a documentary on it, and it’s legal in certain European countries. In fact the documentary showed regulating it in the US was successful, it generated tax revenue, the negative aspects such as drug abuse and sex without protection were able to be averted too, by simply having a licences premises with which they could ensure proper practices. Hope that helps

Answer #2

I often wonder this myself it always baffled me. well, truth is in some places prostitution is allowed in the USA. hahaah this is on the site. Cherry Patch is all about satisfaction. A little over twenty years ago a visitor to Las Vegas thought he was taking a pretty hooker to bed. What he was doing was being a sucker, he got robbed by the hooker and her male partner who owned a Smith & Wesson. That visitor came back to Nevada, bought some property just outside of Las Vegas, and opened a brothel, a legal brothel.

Gathering a Posse of ladies who knew the business of sex, they selected the name: Cherry Patch Brothel. That posse of pleasure also laid out (notice our play on words like “posse” and “laid”) a manual of procedures for all the gals to follow. This manual is still in existence. Of course through the years it has been updated and reworked, refined if you will.

Fact is, there’s a Menu that Cherry Patch I and II have published which is available on the Internet.

When Cherry Patch Brothel opened it was an unqualified hit. Pretty girls offering everything imaginable to satisfy their man.

Whatever’s your pleasure: “How many of us do you want?”

The proof of the Posse is in the pudding and Cherry’s pudding has been so sweet and successful that the Posse opened Cherry Patch II to keep up with the demand of Satisfaction & Pleasure Promised is satisfaction & Pleasure DELIVERED!

One of Cherry Patch’s legendary girls, Inez, said it best when she told us, “It ain’t bragging if I’m the best at keeping a man harder than even he thought possible.”

She proved her point more than once. There are so many pretty girls to choose from; so many things they will do for you. All you want, whenever you want.

well, it is allowed in some areas I always thought personally porn, prostitution were the same things. I think it might have to do with the government not being able to tax sex. also it might have to do with the fact drugs come with prostitution. it all depends on a piece of paper you having by the government.

porn, is the same thing they allow that, you just need a license in some areas of America it is allowed very few rare to come across, but their there! .

Answer #3

Well children probablbly wouldn’t start being prostitutes unless it was there last resort. If the child labor laws were differnt… I don’t know I was a prostitute for a while because nobody would hire a 15 year old to work anywhere because of those stupid child labor laws, but with prostitution its illegal already so why would it matter if you broke the child labor law and sex law too snse your already going against the law. Prostituting is one of the only high paying jobs out there for teenagers.

Answer #4

There is no rational reason for prostitution to be illegal. It’s a holdover from puritanism, just like the drug war. Dumb people making dumb laws for religious reasons - plain and simple.

Answer #5

I’ve studied law, and the only determination that I can come up with are two possible things. One, the government can’t tax the profits made by prostitutes. This is why the Bunny Ranch Brothel is legal. Because they file taxes and their county doesn’t have an ordinance against brothels. Two , age of work. Child Labor laws are posted for reasons of misuse and abuse at work. So if there were a 17 yr old trying to prostitute, there are no law’s that would apply to this situation. The government is based on the dollar value of someone elses hard work. Hope I helped

Answer #6

It’s legal in Europe, but there is a huge problem with human trafficking, especially from Russia and eastern Asia. Of course, there’s human trafficking in countries where prosititution is illegal, too (like the US).

Anyway, criminalizing prosititution is as pointless and ineffective as criminalizing certain drugs. As slavaim points out, it’s political. It’s just another issue for the Religious Right to fume about, even though it would be a great source of tax revenue and even though keeping it illegal poses greater health problems to those involved.

And kdsmm, a big reason prositution is such a violent business in the U.S. is precisely because it’s illegal. Pimps, hoes, gangs…not really a fact of life in Europe. It’s been a legitimate means of livelihood for women for centuries. The sooner Americans can accept this, the better.

Answer #7

The reason I sensibly, rationally, and intelligently believe is because the government can’t tax it or regulate it, so therefore, they can’t make money off of it, and you’d be pulling one over on them. Also, prostitution creates crime. When you have the whole pimps and hoes cycle, violence, drug use and disease wind up running rampant. Also, children get pulled into these circles way too easily and, the government doesn’t want kids being put at risk and taken advantage of.

Answer #8

^ and dont forget the Health risks too.

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