Health Questions

  1. Teen Pregnancies?
  2. CHeekZ
  3. R condoms better or are they worst?
  4. Feeling sore, injured?
  5. Breast Tenderness, cramps...
  6. is it bad to have a scratch on your vagina
  7. Can you help me?
  8. Bumb Inside my mouth from lip piercing bleeds its it bad?
  9. I have a horrible smell coming from down there?
  10. How can I stop being so unemotional?
  11. what can I do to get pregnant??
  12. How 2 fake that your sick
  13. Condoms
  14. Sore throat, coughing, congestion, and hives
  15. Loose skin on my vagina opening
  16. Every time I Laugh I have to pee
  17. What is a gaul stone?
  18. If gaul bladder stores bile and you have it removed what changes
  19. What are the different needle sizes in a hospital
  20. Is there a name for the ultrasound machine?
  21. how many ultrasound machines does the common hospital have
  22. What is the fuction of a apendix?
  23. Getting a tooth pulled
  24. Dizzy, stomach ache, body aches, tired ...
  25. Get pregnant while you are on birthcontrol or the nuvaring?
  26. Sprained ankle
  27. Please help if you no anything that a doc would(girl only)
  28. How to get rid of my period?
  29. if a boy didnt cum can you still be pregnent?
  30. what is respite care.?
  31. Do I have an eating problem ?
  32. How can you say this NON AWKWARDLY?
  33. Permanent Goosebumpss???
  34. I am always cold
  35. How long do you usually bleed after a miscarriage???
  36. why does my vagina burn after my boyfriend ejaculates im me?
  37. Does having a brace help?
  38. Theres something weird on the back of my throut!
  39. HELP! I have all this white gooy stuff on the undies, what is it
  40. How soon would a pregnancy test turn out positive?
  41. does anyone know the cause to feeling air trapped in your ear?
  42. The painful truth.
  43. what is restpite care.??? please help!
  44. who here is double jointed in the leg?
  45. Just stopped taking noriday when should my periods come back
  46. How to make my self get taller
  47. Orange Oil poop stuff.
  48. Broken leg
  49. Side effects of too much chlorine in the pool?
  50. He is going to perform an abortion?
  51. Should I start smoking?
  52. Can you still hurt??
  53. Desperate mole advice
  54. Starting to get a hard tummy
  55. Around my akiles tendon hurts when I walk should I go to the doctor
  56. im 36 weeks pregnant last night I threw up than had diarrea
  57. Am I Schizophrenic?
  58. Is there something wrong with me?
  59. What birth control PILL is best?
  60. After being parelizes for sometime can I still get an errection?
  61. Small preggo belly
  62. How long should you wear your bra
  63. Pregnant??
  64. bfs dick doesn't smell bad but it deff doesn't smell good
  65. Im in pain
  66. Exp. Condom
  67. Why am I losing loads of blood clots why I am on my perid?
  68. Can someone tel me what a douche is please?
  69. What do I Have???
  70. UGHHH my head hurts sooo bad help
  71. how do you recover from depression?
  72. Which date a girl becomes pregnant after her periods
  73. How efficient is withdraw method
  74. Pooping...I know, gross.
  75. Is it just me?
  76. CAN you please help me I really need help
  77. Should I go to the doctor?
  78. When will I finally get my first period?
  79. Something bit my leg and the bite mark keeps expanding
  80. How you start labour off
  81. why/how do you develop a reaction or allergy to something?
  82. What are these lumps?
  83. How to relieve stomach pains?
  84. Does it sound like I might be pregnant?
  85. How can I pass a spit test or what could I do to clean out my body?
  86. I cant stop smoking, what should I do?
  87. How can I keep my cool?
  88. Where can I learn about puberty online?
  89. How can I prevent crusty eyes in the morning?
  90. Is it normal to have blood clots during a period at age 13?
  91. Can you get pregnant by this?
  92. perioddd
  93. Am I pregnant if I missed my period by 2weeks,but bleed there after
  94. Are they right?
  95. What brand makes smallest tampons?
  96. why do I burst out in tears when im in my bedroom on my own ?
  97. electronic cigarette...
  98. If you're pregnant and you start spotting is that a miscarrige?
  99. I feel like thiers 10 ppunds on my chest , like my heart area ?
  100. how do you control your anger???