Are they right?

Ok… so I posted a question about how to manage al the stress that I was going trough and now I have another proble. Ok so im hanging out whit my friends and our crew is bassically called “popular” and I like it. I feel that I am whit wo I should be and I luv my friends they make me forget at everything. I get in trouble a lot but my friends are there for me, I like the feeling that everybody in the school knoes me and I get to do what I want I break rules and I have fun. My point is that the sdtudent advisor is traing to stop me from hanging out whit this crew and I hate it, I have a right to hang out whit who ever I want! and I know it. I do think that acting bad in school is to forget about my hard times at home is wrong but I dont have nobody to sopport me, I dont talk to councelors because I talk to the school one and it was a big mess and made my life more dificult, I cant tell my dad because he would hit me and I would disapoint him and he is to against councelors, Plese help me whats wrong whit me? This is my last hope! :(

Answer #1

you can hang out with whoever you want, but I think the whole “popularity” scene makes you feel as if you have to keep up with everyone by acting up to not lose it, ya know!? you should be able to draw the line between what people expect you to do, and doing what you know you have to do for yourself, and not them

Answer #2

I agree with the above and also you can make friends with other people too, sure they might not seem cool or anything but once you get to know them that could be totally different! so meet new people, I mean it only makes you more popular! try hanging out with some people that don’t get into as much trouble, or just say no too it when your friends do those things!

Answer #3

At your age you need to realize that you are influenced by your friends and you will do what is expected of them. You will do what they do and what they think is cool.

Now the question you have to answer is, Do you want to just hang out and waste time and your life or Do you want to do something with your life and make a yourself useful to others. If you want to hang and waste your life keep doing what you are.

on the other hand if you want to make yourself useful and fulfill your potential as person you need to be selective about who you have for friends. When I was 18 in the Army I was into drugs and party time. One day my Lieutenant told me what I am telling you and it made me stop and think about where I was going.

I started to make changes in my friends and I began to befriend those I saw doing good and useful things and just by changing my friends I changed my life for the better. It wasn’t easy and the old gang didn’t like it, but eventually one of the gang did the same thing and then we were both free from the drug seen and getting our lives on track to be of use to others. The best change in my life came when I found my greatest friend, Jesus Christ. Since I met Him my life has been the best and I’ve been able to help many more people.

It’s your choice, I hope you choose to make something good out of your life.

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