Health Questions

  1. Can her dad make her get an abortion?
  2. Fav workout?
  3. Is there a cure for halitosis?
  4. 16 yr old daughter has severe lower back pain
  5. About breast pain
  6. infection yest /. ? help ??!!
  7. Pregnant and cnt sleep
  8. What can cause pain in the lower back and when urinating?
  9. Argh Is this an allergic reaction??
  10. Heart Shaped Veins?
  11. How much taller could I get?
  12. Itchy down below helppp
  13. Fear of spiders
  14. my bum hole hurts
  15. Why do a get sharp cramps in the outside lips of my vagina ?
  16. Lately I've been feeling really tired and my back and shoulder has
  17. Cyst in right ovary
  18. how can I stop thinking so much depressing thought
  19. Morning Routine
  20. Pimple red from blood build up and its right above my vagina
  21. trying to figure things out?
  22. can the flu shot kill me?
  23. have an ulcer on my vag. hurts when I pee
  24. how do I get a pregnancy test when im young?
  25. How do I know im pregnant?
  26. Does any body know how to get rid of cramps
  27. How do I reduce mucus in my throat?
  28. New lump in my neck
  29. My Chest
  30. Do I have mano?
  31. I need 2 know if im pregnant
  32. My stomach looks like I'm pregnant
  33. When I eat I sometimes get a really big pain in my heart
  34. anal bleeding
  35. Need help feeling good about myself
  36. Where Can I buy MIDOL??(for girls)
  37. Peeing exessivley ?
  38. If I'm sick with a stamach ache, is powerade good to drink?
  39. Does epilepsy have 2 do with somethin psychologically
  40. Tonsils and Adnoids removed!
  41. Bumps Under My Arm
  42. Tender breasts?
  43. Embarasing Question For Girls Only!!
  44. Is a period lasting a month bad?
  45. Is clear sperm normal for a 14 year old boy
  46. Bubble in earlobe
  47. Vagina bleeds and pee hurts?
  48. Why am I burning?
  49. What do I do if I got herpes at 19??
  50. Diarrhea/constipation?
  51. Why do peirods hurt so much?
  52. why im eatin a lot?
  53. People who want to cut themself?
  54. Stressed help
  55. How do I know if the wound healed/closed the wrong way?
  56. Late period but not pregnant
  57. The area under the bust hurts
  58. What does it mean if I feel like urinating all the time?
  59. Medical advice
  60. What does this mean???
  61. Do you have a disease if you have a cheesy substance on your penis
  62. The flavor stuff you put on shaved ice?
  63. I'm panicking I'm pregnant. HELP!
  64. Should I get contacts?
  65. I have a rash that came out of nowhere!!
  66. If I'm 5 months late could I be pregnant?
  67. Pregnant or just late... Please help???
  68. Is there any chance that I am pregnant or am I just late again
  69. PM Symptoms but no periods
  70. What can stop me from spitting
  71. Period 2 weeks and 4 days late..?
  72. Small nipples
  73. Wart Removal
  74. Speech problems
  75. Im having trouble sleeping.
  76. Breast discharging but not pregnant
  77. Coughing when using a traque for your neck?
  78. How long does it take for your breast 2 grow a cup or a lil bigger???
  79. Sometimes I start shaking ?
  80. How can labor be dangerous?
  81. A mixture of shart and discharge?
  82. Period..?
  83. Is it possible to not get high your first time smoking pot?
  84. Ultrasound
  85. A lot of piercings are safe? Or no?
  86. Do I have strep?
  87. Who has been on zoloft before??
  88. Eating healthier
  89. What is the downside of birth control?
  90. Will I be able to pass a urine screen today?
  91. My foot has been hurting for a week, its not sprained or fractured!
  92. how to make myself ovulate
  93. Pannick Attacks
  94. Possible to overdose??
  95. Could I have had a miscarriage?
  96. Why do I get headaches so much?
  97. Do you still wear a condom while on birth control?
  98. Has anyone noticed the inside of your belly button smells?
  99. Do you think thc is out my system?
  100. Is it weird to peel my skin when I'm bored?