Health Questions

  1. How, if im on my period can I still use a dildo?
  2. Why brown discharge when I haven't started my period?
  3. What do you think is going on with me and my pregnancy?
  4. How do I make my eye stop twitching?
  5. Why do I get small white spots on my arms and legs?
  6. Why does my breasts hurt like hell?
  7. How to get rid of inflammation in the body from blood test results?
  8. What is the worst that can happen with an absessed tooth?
  9. What does it mean when there is a knot just below your armpit?
  10. How do I end my cycle after its started?
  11. When should it heal by?
  12. What is the white stuff on your teeth?
  13. How do I change tampons at school?
  14. What is this lump above my left nipple ?
  15. How long does it take birth control to enlarge your breasts?
  16. Who thinks its bad too use only toilet paper instead of pads?
  17. When you fit the signs of depression, but you're not depressed?
  18. How do deaf people dream in color?
  19. Who can I talk to. I need someone to talk to who knows about MS.?
  20. Who else cannot sleep with the curtains open?
  21. Why is there a white bump on my touge?
  22. What to do, sad a lot?
  23. What type of condom?
  24. Can is cramping a sign of early pregnancy?
  25. Can tubes untied thereself?
  26. How can I control my eating dissorders?
  27. How can I heal a sore on my face. It started out as a pimple?
  28. How can I fix my iron deficciency ?
  29. When I have a normal period every month could I still be pregnant?
  30. Why do I have to urinate every 15 minutes and why is it clear?
  31. What is there I can do to keep my period off for a couple of hours?
  32. Why did it hurt when she sucked on my neck?
  33. Why do I keep getting random hiccups?
  34. Why is my armpit always itchy?
  35. Why do I have lips on my vagina but not yet lost virginity ?
  36. What are some good tips for detox from weed?
  37. How can I get pregnant if he didn't go inside me?
  38. What would be the reason for this?
  39. How long is it safe for kidney stone to be stuck in bladder?
  40. What to do about my condition?
  41. How does one become infutile for a brief time?
  42. What if my condom didn't break, and my period is four days late?
  43. How can I get birth control without my mom?
  44. How is helium bad for you?
  45. How to treat a infection in my vagina?
  46. How do I know when I'm going to get my period?
  47. How do I know if im pregnant?
  48. How bad does a root canal hurt?
  49. What would happen if you take 2 motrins for no reason?
  50. Why am I itching down below?
  51. What can I buy over the counter for yeast infection?
  52. Why is it impossible for me to sleep?
  53. What tablet to be taken if I want my monthly period early?
  54. Why do I get bruises easily?
  55. Why am I leaking clear fluid?
  56. Why dont pain pills work?
  57. How do teeth bands work, and is Orthofill a trustworthy site?
  58. What should I do about my Patellar Luxation?
  59. What does it feel like to be drunk?
  60. How can I repair my hyman?
  61. Does semen taste different depending on your diet?
  62. What does it mean if I have a dark circle around one of my nipples?
  63. What is a absence sezuire?
  64. Why blood clots in periods ?
  65. Why Do I have pain in left boob?
  66. What is on my arms and how can I get rid of them?
  67. What does it mean when white stuff comes out of your nipples?
  68. How do I hide it?
  69. What do guys think about girls on their Periods?
  70. What makes me so anorexic idgi?
  71. What do I do right after a random asthma attack?
  72. What type of cancer is this?
  73. What is wrong with my foot?
  74. What could be causing this?
  75. When is it a good time to have a baby?
  76. What to do when you itch down in the vagina area?
  77. Who here has also had an abortion?
  78. Why does my vagina get so wet?
  79. How well does the chronic pain pump work for the low back?
  80. How can I shake off this tired feeling?
  81. Who thinks I'm pregnant, or is something else going on?
  82. Why do my pregnancy tests keeping coming out negative?
  83. Is vaginal discharge supposed to taste sour?
  84. What are some home remidies to help people to quit smoking?
  85. What should I do.. Please help?
  86. Why am I feeling/ acting this way ?
  87. What are the white bumps on the shaft and head of my penis?
  88. What can I take to get valium out my system?
  89. How come I cant go number 2?!?
  90. What is making me lightheaded?
  91. How good is ortho tri-cyclen lo?
  92. When 2 miscarriages/period late 6 days/ blood when I wipe?
  93. Why...Is 5ft 7 Short for a girl?
  94. Why will drinking bleach help you pass a urien test?
  95. Why am I getting more blackheads since I started Accutane?
  96. Why do I have a red mark on my face?
  97. What should I do about my body?
  98. What is wrong with me ? Lots of problems ?
  99. Why does my left breast hurt when I touch it?
  100. How does cracking your back affect you in the future?