Health Questions

  1. is there something wrong with my breasts?
  2. What are the odds of a person getting cancer who has no background of cancer in their family?
  3. How does heat affect sleeping?
  5. Who here remembers the show ''Cow and Chicken''?
  6. What is an example of racism in To Kill A Mockinbird?
  7. What: yet another song i wrote, how does it sound so far?
  8. Why am i allergic to hot water? Every time i do dishes for my mom i get huge hives from the hot water i got a allergy test and i am allergic to it.
  9. Is there a way to make my hair grow out faster?
  10. Do the ting tings swear or sing about bad stuff?
  11. How do I stop being such an angry/& annoyed person ?
  12. When I run (and sometimes when I drink alcohol) I get a pain in my right shoulder, like a growing pain/stich. What is it? And how's it caused?
  13. Can you be addicted to food?
  14. How do I make my boyfriend come?
  15. What are some ways of getting to sleep if you have restless leg syndrome?
  16. why does my hair fall a lot when i take showers?
  17. why does pussy smell bad?
  18. what can i do to make my back stop hurting when the pain is so bad and i cnt go to sleep because of it?
  19. How ? my bf just hurt his leg ... i wanna exccite him and make him happy when i see him any ideas??
  20. What gets rid of strong muscle pain in my arm?
  21. Why do cramps hurt so much? How can i deal with them and make sure i dont have mood swings?
  22. Is there a flu that strikes suddenly and goes away extremely fast?
  23. Thanks for coming into my list. Can I ask you a question. Maybe I can solve it for you. What causes you to be stressed out?
  24. What are some not so common signs of cheating if you are long distance?
  25. What should I do when my baby goat has a bad rear leg?
  27. would you ever get a liposuction or breast implants?
  29. Is there a big problem if you have period that comes so little but still come for 4-5 days?
  30. could taking an overdose of advils have side effects?
  31. What's the first thing on your mind when you wake up?
  32. what happens if you take 'the pill' for the first time not on the day of your period and just a random day?
  33. What is that from of meditation called where you do the "UMMMMMMMMMM" stuff?
  34. is it true that you CANT wake up or shake a sleep walker?
  35. Can someone tell me if borderline personality disorder is similar or different from bipolar? And what's borderline personality disorder?
  36. what color is your vaginal discharge usually?
  37. What is the best birthcontrol for me since I am 15 1/2 years old?
  38. what does it mean if you have a regular period one month and then two periods in the next month and then a regular one the next month?
  39. What are the benefits or negative side effects you've experienced from taking Prozac?
  40. How can i make my penis bigger for free?
  41. does any one have hypothyroidism besides me?
  42. Why are my boobs really sore around the top of the breasts?
  43. how do you stop getting moody, mean and flipping out on the people you love?
  44. Who knew that pickle juice stops muscle cramps?
  45. Why the FREAK!! i keep havin preganncy dreams, this is my 2nd dream i had about it + im Not Preganant?
  46. What is that mood called again?
  47. Does anyone have an anxiety disorder?
  48. How common is breast cancer in young women?
  49. Why does his heart sound different?
  50. How much do Pregnancy Tests cost?
  51. Why is one of my femurs healing slower than the other one after my operation?
  52. Why does my autistic brother not seem not to be able to connect with his emotions?
  53. What are some ways to naturally induce labor?
  54. how do you recover from a quad strain ?
  55. Why do I feel so emotionally numb?
  56. Why am I so afraid or the rain an thunder and lightening I always fear that a tornado will follow and something bad will happen :(?
  58. Why am i constantly worried that my fiance is going to die and im going to lose him?
  59. what is thrush caused by?
  60. where can i find free condoms ?
  61. When I talk to my doctor about wanting to be put on birth control, will he need to check anything?
  62. What is up with the McDonald's Shrek cups?
  63. What are these small/biggish red itchy bumps on me?
  64. how to know if im pregnant??
  65. Is it bad for guys to not be circumcised?
  66. Is there a natural depression prevention/alleviation supplement that's not over-the-counter?
  67. How does drinking something cold give you brain freeze?
  68. Does this mean I'm allergic to cats, or just cats' fur?
  69. What are the benefits of breathing exercises?Does it really helps you?
  70. How would you react if you'r partner of 7 months told you they had herpes?
  71. What time do you people normally go to bed at? I go to bed at 3 or 4 am.
  72. Why would I all of a sudden be getting headaches?
  73. Who thinks that doctors shouldnt tell teens that if they lose weight they will be beautiful?
  74. can i use regualr paper to roll a cig?
  75. How should i start my painting career? i want to be a painter,i want to sell them,how should i start it.please advice.
  76. Why do Americans feel so threatened by illegal immigrants coming to their land?
  77. how can i get rid of embarrasing self injury scars?
  78. What's it like in everyday Canada?
  79. What kinds of things help with sleep?
  80. Has anyone ever taken "remeron" for insomnia?
  81. what do i do about my parents fighting all the time?
  82. Why do I have little tiny bumps on the inside of my vagina lips? You can only see them if you stretch the skin, & they don't hurt or irritate me at all.
  83. Why is that when women discrete a discharge everyday it leaves a bleach mark?
  84. Why are cigarettes so gross?
  85. what? does urine therapy really work for acne?
  86. Why do I feel like I need the loo when I don't - I feel like I really need to go but then nothing happens, it just sometimes hurts... What is this?
  87. Do you ever get strange dreams from power naps?
  88. What can I do about an itching ear?
  89. What are the symptoms of ulcer??
  90. Why am I so afraid about first night?
  91. What could be the reason behind my back popping?
  92. How can you make your eyes not look high?
  93. what do i do? i have worts on my leg. i put this creme on them and it burnt my skin. what do i do?
  94. How do I stop procrastinating?
  95. Why do I feel like Im sweating so much but people don't even think I'm warm?
  96. What type of cast do you get when you break your knuckles and wrist?
  97. Why is my vagina starting to stink really bad?
  98. Can you smoke Hookah without the tabaco?
  99. how long does a person smoke for, to get skinny? and what is in the cigar or w.e that makes you skinny?
  100. Is it bad to be jealous of ur cousin ??