Why do I feel so emotionally numb?

I feel like things are heading downhill with me and my boyfriend and nothing else matters but that.. Everything else is perfect except for that.. and it’s killing me. It seems like he’s being short with me,like he doesn’t wanna talk and I don’t know, I’m just so sad, I don’t know what to do. Why is it effecting me sooo much? I should just be like ‘whatever’ and if he doesn’t care, why should I.. but I can’t.. what do I do? :(

Answer #1

Because your human and you care about him. Its normal to feel hurt and numb when you feel your losing someone you care about. You need to sit and talk to him about how your feeling..if he cares he will explain himself and change his ways..if he doesnt then love you he doesnt deserve you and its time to move on and find someone who does.

Answer #2

Thank you.. it’s hard because he lives about an hour away.. he used to come over everyday and now it seems like he doesn’t really try to anymore.. he’ll come over maybe twice a week. And on saturday he’s leaving for two weeks so I’m hoping I can see him and talk to him about it before that. =(

Answer #3

hmm, seems like from what you are saying he is giving you the cold shoulder…in all honesty I hate to say this, but that is clearly a message that its heading in one direction…he is only stalling now!

Lets look at the facts…he tried before, now he isnt as much…when a guys stops trying or caring that means he is stalling the inevitable! Prepare yourself for the breakup before he leaves…or he just might hold off on it til he comes back with bad news about meeting someone while he was away!

If he is treating you like this, he really isnt worth your time…you can do much better then that & you so deserve much better then that! You deserve to be treated like a queen, if he isnt willing to put in the time & effort then I would kick his butt out to the curb before he even has a chance to kick you out!

in any case…I wish you luck my dear…break ups arent easy but you have us here to back you up & keep ya strong! ♥

Answer #4

The above is not always true. Yes guys try hard when the first meet you because they want you all to themselves. Once you have been dating a while things get more comfortable and he wont try as hard. Thats how relationships go…it doesnt hurt to mention to him that you would like more attention though. Just talk to him and find out whats really going on.

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