Does this mean I'm allergic to cats, or just cats' fur?

Because every time i’m around cats i sneeze a lot and sometimes cough, my eyes and neck get really itchy (especially my eyes) and sometimes my face too.

Answer #1

Actually it should be the cat’s saliva that is causing the allergy. That is the cause in most cases. The reason for this is because the saliva contains an allergen.

So basically just say that you are allergic to cats.

Answer #2

Yes you are allergic to cats….it really doesn’t matter if it’s the fur, the dander, or the saliva….they are all intregal parts of a cat, and there is no way of avoiding any of those parts.

Answer #3

Cat Dander (the white stuff on their fur[not dandruff :3] ) is what alot of people (like me) are allergic too. I get the same symptoms as you do. I say I’m allergic to cats though, not ‘cat fur’ but if you got a hairless cat you would probably be allergy free. :)

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