Health Questions

  1. What can anyone tell me about endometriosis?
  2. Why do my contacts make me feel tired?
  3. Can i rent a wheelchair without buying one?
  4. How do I lessen the pain everytime by brace is adjusted?
  5. What is the most painless way of popping a wart ?
  6. Is it wrong of my friend to think that im an alcoholic, if i love a good drink during week days?
  7. is it bad to swallow those soothers things that numb your throat ?
  8. why do my muscles crack all of the time?
  9. how do you use sea salt for an infected monroe piercing?
  10. How would I go about getting treated for bi-polar depression without any medical insurance?
  11. How, and Why, is OCD a genetic disorder?
  12. How can I keep from coughing my throat raw tonight?
  13. is it ok to lose a pound in your second trimester of pregnancy?
  14. Any women on here actually go into labor at home and had there water break - what exactly happens?
  15. Are you in denial about something in your life?
  16. Whats the name of a pink pill with 25 on one side and a "V" on the other side, its sort of in an oval like shape?
  17. Why is my breathing getting more and more harder when i play my bass clarinet?
  18. Who knows if it's true, that if you and your partners blood type is NOT compatible, that you cannot have a child together?
  19. How can I increase circulation to my hands?
  20. Why is there a rash on my arm right where my contraceptive implant is ?
  21. What are some things i can do for my little man to make him feel better from a cold?
  22. is it natural for me to feel sick after having a little bite of a dry cracker when i have the stomach bug?
  23. How low should your haemoglobin level be to be classed as anaemic?
  24. does cycling help in regulating heart beat?
  25. what can and can't you eat while you have the stomach bug?
  26. Is alcoholism a genetic thing?
  27. Is it normal for your breasts to swell during your mensturation?
  28. Why does the government not have a better health care plan for the elderly?
  29. why is it when someone cracks a part of their body, I get an unbearable urge to crack my knuckles ?
  30. What would you do if there was a girl in one of your classes who was pregnate..?
  31. What could cause an odd taste in your mouth every time you eat?
  32. Why should i go for circumsition at the age of 42?
  33. What are the treatments for babies that were exposed to her.oin in the womb?
  34. Does anyone have any problems with your arm pits breaking out, in little red itchy spots?
  35. What are the symptoms of juvenille arthritus and arthritus or is there something else this could be?
  36. Would an ulcer affect your period?
  37. Can I still get fingered and/or licked by my boyfriend if there is a 50% possibility that I have a yeast infection?
  38. Should i feel bad for cussing at a doctor?
  39. How can i stop my girlfriends neck from hurting?
  40. how can i get rid of my back pain ?
  41. What is it when you get a bunch of small red things on your stomache/chest?
  42. Is it possible to have broken every single bone in your body (not all at one time) and still be alive, and walking?
  43. Why am i bleeding after fingering myself with a fat highlighter for the first time?
  44. Can i call a suicide line if i just want to talk?
  45. Why Am I Obsessed With Serial Killers?
  46. Why Is My Mom Mad About What My Boyfreind Said?
  47. whats the best way to crack your back???
  48. What is it called when ur afraid of robotic things, such as halloween decor?
  49. Can yu get an infection in your uterus that will make it thick and make your stomachs hurt?
  50. Do flat feet have an effect on performance in sports?
  51. is there any way you can wake up without stuff in your eyes?
  52. Is it possible to be allergic to a school's water system?
  53. Is there a risk when an asthmatic has a hysterectomy?
  54. Is it true that putting tinfoil on your teeth it wrecks it?
  55. What makes smoking relieve stress?
  56. Who knows any cellular disorder?
  57. How do you stop obsessing over things and over analyzing everything?
  58. Why don't i feel emotionally scarred?
  59. How common is it to conceive the last day of your period?
  60. why does my back of neck hurt?
  61. Is thrush and yeast infection the same thing?
  62. Do you have to be a certain age to buy over-the-counter thrush treatment?
  63. How do I get an Identification of what I think could be a parasitic worm or larva, what website do I go to?
  64. What causes bruises ?
  65. Is it true that drinking pomograte juice (100%) makes you live longer?
  66. Can you get the DEFINATE day of when you conceived at your 20 week scan?
  67. Why does hooka make you dizzy?
  68. How can i keep up with life without having a mental breakdown?
  69. Is It True That If Your On Your Period And Your Walking Around Bare Foot You Can Gain Weight Or Bigger?
  70. What are some medical problems that qualify you for medicinal marijuana?
  71. What is glycemia?
  72. What is the little squiggly light I see in the corner of my eye before I get a migraine?
  73. Do i have the symptoms of conjunctivitis?
  74. Why am i hearing voices?
  75. What do you do when u have a little blister on your tongue?
  76. What are the dangers of calphalon cookware?
  77. Why is it that every girl I've been with says my penis is too big, is 11 inches really that big?
  78. How come i keep getting sick?
  79. What would be a good time to take my mediciation?
  80. Who has ever tried a homemade pregnancy test?
  81. How do you know if you stopped growing?
  82. how does one get rid of mid and lower back pain?
  83. What's the difference between pregnancy symptoms and menstruation?
  84. Why do some poeple have innies and some poeple have outtie belly buttons?
  85. why do people studder alot?
  86. Is it bad that I can't get a tampon in my vagina and I'm 15?
  87. does anyone have a social phobia?
  88. how old do u think u shud legally b 2 drink and smoke?
  89. What can we do about my Dad's buying addiction?
  90. is menstruation gonna stops when you will drink alcohol, like beer??
  91. Can your face really become paralyzed if you get your nose pierced and they hit a nerve?
  92. how can i get over my dad having a heart attack ?
  93. Is it norm al to be uncontrolably shaking after you've been crying a lot?
  94. why is mouth and lips drying up so fast?
  95. Is it normal for you to feel sick to your stomach the day after taking birth control for the first time?
  96. Why, everytime I walk into my dorm, I have the sudden urge to pee?
  97. How do I make a saline solution for nasal rinse?
  98. How many vitamins are too much?
  99. Why does my Dog had purple dot things on his belly (its a he by the way)?
  100. Is it normal 4 me to wanna be in my room by myself all the time?