Health Questions

  1. Why do my eyes get bloodshot when I am over-tired?
  2. Why do people who lived through world war two generally healthier than people who were born a generation later?
  3. Where is the least painfull and least deadly place on the body to be shot?
  4. Is it true that by eating raw food one will not get health problems?
  5. Can Diabetes be controlled by meditation and yoga?
  6. what can i take for low testosterone?
  7. What are the symptoms of too much exercise?
  8. Is it possible to stay without food for a month?
  9. Can I use aloe from my garden instead od buying skin cream at the store?
  10. Is it normal for an 18 year old to suffer from depression?
  11. what painkiller can i take to fix this?
  12. What do you think of "water birth"?
  13. how can i take care of pink eye?
  14. why can i only work when its extremely late but still really tired?
  15. Is it unhealthy to drink soda or carbinated drinks during pregnancy?
  16. Is this pink eye ?
  17. Who can help me with my back?
  18. Why does my chest hurt so badly after I jog?
  19. What are the side effects of taking everyday pain medications?
  20. How long does the dentist numbness stuff last?
  21. Is there any specific way you're supposed to take a pregnancy test?
  22. Who can help me with my mom and my health?
  23. Is there any side effects if we use mouth wash regularly?
  24. what can i do to make me stop coughing?
  25. Why is that operation is always done in A.C room?
  26. Why is it that stress causes lack of sleep?
  27. What does it mean if for five days I can't help throwing up after I eat something?
  28. Is invisalign treatment of teeth most effective than bracing?
  29. How to deal with constipation?
  30. Why is it that doctors would rather tell a patient that they need to take tons of pills than tell them that they are fat and need to lose weight?
  31. How serious is congestive heart failure?
  32. Is brushing regularly the only solution for Bad Breath?
  33. How do we know that we are suffering from gum disease?
  34. What causes you to see specs of black and shiny things in your vision floating around and moving?
  35. How to treat decrease in pH levels in blood?
  36. Who knows if anyone actually died from TSS by using tampons?
  37. What makes name brand pills differant from generic?
  38. When a doctor sees your cuts during a physical can he/she tell your parents or does that come under doctor/patient confidentiality?
  39. Can you get eye infections if you use a Sharpie for eyeliner?
  40. how much weak eyesight number is considered okay in a person?
  41. Why can't i put a tampon in my vagina? is it too small?
  42. Why cant i cry?
  43. What is the mental illness terminology of an illness when the person feels like they aren't complete unless they cut off part(s) of their body?
  44. What are some reasons I could be spitting up blood in the morning?
  45. Why does sweat smell really sour?
  46. Can adrenaline be addictive?
  47. Are night contacts breathable enough to wear all night, or are there any negative side effects for using them?
  48. How can I get rid of these cysts(I guess) around my eyes?
  49. What to do if you are having suicidal thoughts?
  50. What's the worse sports injury you've ever had?
  51. What are the emotional effects of Downs syndrome?
  52. Why does my leg look like its got reptilian skin?
  53. Why do I bloat whenever I eat or drink?
  54. Why is it that every morning I wake up with a really bad headache?
  55. Why did I become so itchy 5 hrs later after taking a 150mg of alpha lipoic acid?
  56. Why is everything blurry after i stop reading a book etc.?
  57. Why is my arm still sore in the place i got my flu shot from 2 weeks ago?
  58. How far along do you have to be for your first prenatal visit?
  59. When you have a baby, and you deliver the nasty/hard is it?
  60. Is there a reason that when i get up fast from sitting for a long time that everything goes white and i cant see anything?
  61. Why do I keep feeling like I'm going to pass out?
  62. Why is it that your eyes water when you are fighting a cold?
  63. is it true you can't sneeze with your eyes open?
  64. why does my right hand freeze all of the sudden?
  65. What are some reasons that I could be slowly turning into an insomniac?
  66. what is it when you randomly taste salt in your mouth?
  67. what is the word for people who are like, happy one minute, then mad, then sad?
  68. What causes what you're allergic to?
  69. Why is joking about rape so funny to certain people?!!?
  70. would you recomend for a new time driver to get a stickshift or normal?
  71. What can a UTI do if it spreads to your kidney's?
  72. What are the symptoms of an STI?
  73. How many beers would it take to make you get over .08 on a breathalyzer test?
  74. What are some good reasons to give up smoking?
  75. Why do guys like cumming on a girl's face?
  76. can your stomach start to hurt if you eat over cooked food?
  77. What causes tartar build up on my teeth?
  78. Why is there a K in EKG?
  79. what does it mean if your hair accually " falls" out ?
  80. How do you go about understanding the emotion conveyed through text?
  81. Is it true when you sleep with your wet hair may cause brain cancer?
  82. how do you know if you have a Avulsion Fracture?
  83. How do i show him that i'm not slowly killing myself?
  84. Why do I get the urge to pee, but end up not discharging urine?
  85. What is the point of the alcohol in Ny-Quil?
  86. Could i become pregnant if my boyfriend's condom broke, but he didn't cum in it ?
  87. Why wouldn't some people want to get help for certain addictions?
  88. How accurate a pregnancy test taken via blood sample?
  89. Is there anyway my friend can get braces, with the state paying for them?
  90. Does an appendix do anything at all for our bodies?
  91. How fast does your body build muscle?
  92. How can you improve your iron deficiency?
  93. how do you give CPR or the heimlich maneuver to one who is pregnant?
  94. What harm can smoking cigarettes while pregnant cause?
  95. Is it possible to overdose on vitamins?
  96. Is chloasma (brown patches of skin on the face) caused by pregnancy, permanant?
  97. Can flossing cause little cuts on the gums?
  98. Does caffeine make you horney?
  99. who is a good doctor for teenage bipolar disorder in the vista or oceanside ca area?
  100. Why has he been getting dizzy after he eats?