General Knowledge Questions

  1. Who here has any contacts that could kick-start my acting career?
  2. What is a "muggle"?
  3. How old were you when you found out Santa isn't real?
  4. What would you do if you opened your front door, and there was an infant laying on your steps?
  5. How would you go about getting your tubes UNtied and about how much would it be?
  6. How do you get to sleep on Christmas Eve?
  7. who is zev alkobi?
  8. Are there more chairs in the world, or people?
  9. Why do you get a buzz cut when you join the military?
  10. How many grams is an 8th of pot?
  11. How would you repay someone who saved your life?
  12. What do people in USA and Europe do with the inner organs of a slaughtered cow?
  13. What does your favorite color remind you of?
  14. What's PDX?
  15. What is the literal, serious defenition of "high"?
  16. Why is everyone's favorite color blue?
  17. What do you think should be the punishment for the man who wrote the book how to rape children a pedophiles guide?
  18. Why are some people offended by others saying Merry Chrismas or Happy Holidays to them?
  19. why do i get this feeling im the only person on this earth?
  20. Is it true that spraying hairspray on your Christmas tree will make it last longer?
  21. What can I do about my jealously problem?
  22. When do you think humanity's stupidity will go away...if ever?
  23. If a vampire bites another vampire does that make vampire 2 a second degree vampire?
  24. Is Humanity oblivious to it's core existance?
  25. Do you understand the british accent?
  26. Who shot Wild Bill Hickok?
  27. What are some common things people do when they lie?
  28. Why do people use the expression "When Pigs Fly"?
  29. How much would it cost to change your Name?
  30. What are the ridges on the "F" and "J" keys for?
  31. What's a challenge that Luxembourg is undergoing today?
  32. What are some good methods for focusing?
  33. How can I gain confidence to be myself around other people and not hide my true self..?
  34. Does anyone know When a Peny farthing bicycles was invented, and why its called that?
  35. What is a harlot?
  36. Who has heard of "The Craigslist K!ller"?
  37. Why the hell would this chick tell me these things?
  38. do u really get high off of smarties?
  39. Do mermaids really exist?
  40. does anyone knows how to open a country code of nnt docomo???
  41. Do you sit or stand to shave your legs in the shower?
  42. Why do I keep getting things in the mail from the national guard, and army wanting me to fill out forms and join?
  43. Do you think soon racism will no longer exist, or do you think it will become worse sort of like it used to be?
  44. What country started the Christmas tradition of exchangeing gifts?
  45. Who would you rather be friends or more with: Justin Bieber,Robert Pattinson or Orlando Bloom?
  46. What is the quickest/easiest way to learn either German or Russian?
  47. what's the difference between accents and bad pronunciation?
  48. Is naivety a crime?
  49. How do I strenghten my will power?
  50. What are somethings I could put by my grandparents grave site for Christmas?
  51. Do you like certain colors based on function or preference?
  52. Is there such a thing as a Danish Danish?
  53. Should Michael Vick be aloud to own a dog again?
  54. How do you get rid of scratches on ipods using household things?
  55. whats the worst pain you ever felt?
  56. Is it stupid that i want to be a singer when i grow up??
  57. What does it mean when people tie a bandana around there right arm?
  58. Is Eritrea A Country?
  59. what did the question mark say to the period?
  60. Why did Vincent van Gogh cut his ear off and how did he die?
  61. Is metaprogramming real, or does it just seem real due to power of suggestion?
  62. how long is two hundred and six lunar cycles?
  63. what is The Burning Man ?
  64. why isn't clear/transparent/invisible a color?
  65. Did u peoples no that an average of 10 people a year die from a vending machine?
  66. What makes the perfect party?
  67. What do you prefer: giving or receiving?
  68. How many gifts were recieved in the verse of the tenth day of Christmas in the song The Twelve Days Of Christmas?
  69. Do you think he could be trying to ask me out soon?
  70. why do people believe in the kissing under the mistletoe thing?
  71. What nationality was Burdine Collins, born on June 12, 1882, husband of Sadie who lived in Letcher County, KY?
  72. What does the word "masochist" mean?
  73. Where did kissing under the mistletoe come from?
  74. why are quite people shy to talk or do anything?
  75. What do you see everyday that makes you happy or proud?
  76. What would you do if you knew you woudn't be caught for doing it?
  77. What have you seen that was so gross, you puked?
  78. What are personalities in people that you absolutely CANNOT stand?
  79. who can take the cold better men or women?
  80. Why does nobody trust me ever, I've never even lied to them, what should i say?
  81. how much pectin do i mix in the water & to how much water 4 passing a urine test please repond need 2 know really bad?
  82. what do u say: happy kwanza or merry kwanza?
  83. Who came first in german santa clauses?
  84. Is the name 'Leia' an English name?
  85. Can you end up being obsessed with wanting knowledge?
  86. Why do we only redraw money from an ATM machine we can't pay with it?
  87. Which colors mean what on that mood thing?
  88. Why do people support and promote those 'Get a free ipad or ipod' ad's if they know it isnt true?
  89. What would you do if a man, out of the blue, pinched your booty?
  90. Why i can not be unnoticed wherever i go?
  91. what is the difference between a geek and a nerd?
  92. How old is to old to take a pic. with santa?
  93. Is it a fact that people who are left handed think differantly than people who are right handed?
  94. Why is it so wierd to sleep with a pillow between your legs?
  95. how can i get up in the mornings when the alarm clock method just does'nt work for me???
  96. How do you get pine sap out if yarn mittens?
  97. how big do u think the world is and what do you think happens when we all die?
  98. Why do people say "Anything's possible" or "Nothing's impossible" when it's not true?
  99. do you know why they are not allowed to sell knives in scotland anymore ???
  100. what is a campaign speech?