Why do you get a buzz cut when you join the military?

I know that they give you a hair cut when you join the military but does anyone know why they do this? I never saw the purpose of it, not like it really matters. I was just wondering if there was a reason they decided to do this.

Answer #1

lice/nitts. health reasons

Answer #2

There are several reasons. One main reason is lice. In the army one wares helmets. They bother the head less with short hair.

Answer #3

It promotes equality. Our hair is a symbol of sexuality and individuality. The removal of it means that they’re more equal. Psychology has shown that it makes soldiers more likely to respond to being in a team.

Answer #4

They don’t make you shave it after basic. After you leave basic, you’re able to have any number of hair cuts from high and tights to flat-tops. Regulation for hair, as of today, is that it be kept neat in appearance anywhere from 0-3 inches in length.

Everyone gets the “induction cut” when they enter the military, though. It makes everyone look equal and uniform. It’s also a way of breaking one’s sense of self in order to create people with a soldier’s mentality. You’d be surprised how attached people can be to something as simple as hair.

Short hair in the military started a long time ago as a means to avoiding having your hair pulled and used to the enemies advantage when fighting hand-to-hand. It also serves a more practical reason: hygiene.

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