FunAdvice Community Questions

  1. Which category should I put my 'sleepover' how to?
  2. Why does it take so long to upload a video from the record from webcam option??!
  3. How many servers does this run on?
  4. Why isn't there a way to filter the newest questions from the oldest questions?
  5. How do I know if the how to I want to write has already been written, without having to look through hundreds of how to's?
  6. Do people in different countries get money for points aswell?
  7. How do you stop following someone if they are not in your followers list?
  8. Who thinks it would be nice if we could sort our pictures on here into different folders?
  9. Why can't I log out of my account?
  10. Is being able to edit other people's How To's a good idea?
  11. Can you not post a video up with out a link?
  12. Does FunAdvice still have those awesome t-shirts?
  13. how can i give some one points?
  14. Why when I download the song "Lovegame" by Lady Gaga, the song stops about a minute or so into the song?
  15. What's the FA sitemap used for?
  16. how do i change my user name on
  17. Why is it that when you make a how to, people comment on it answering the title?
  18. What exactly does it mean when someone "Posts on your profile"?
  19. What are some of your faults?
  20. How do you make your name show up (when you comment, ect.) instead of your username?
  21. why wont it let me follow you?
  22. when are we going to start getting paid for points and how much will we make per point?
  23. how do you give other people points?
  24. Who else thinks that it would be a good idea to create a "Funadvice" app?
  25. Why can't anyone answer my post anymore?
  26. How do you give someone your points?
  27. how many admins are there on this site that can banned, remove posts, edits ect. ect.?
  28. Does anyone even read the "Press and News" page on FunAdvice?
  29. Why won't FA let you have 0 points?
  30. Can we get linked to previous answers we gave like on the old FA?
  31. who on here has gotten paid from this web site?
  32. Why won't my picture upload to my FunAdvice profile?
  33. Why does my location says where im not?
  34. Who answers all these question 1 person or anyone?
  35. why did you chose to follow me?
  36. how do i change my password?
  37. Is there really older ppl on funadvice besides teens???
  38. How do we add a tip?
  39. how can u find a person on fun advice?
  40. Why are old questions coming up on my profile/home page or whatever?
  41. How do you write a tip...I can't find anywhere where it says "write a tip", or anything?
  42. Who thinks FA should have an iPod app or a page for cellphones?
  44. Is there a way that I can summit a photo that I took of lightning?
  45. is there anyone here who lives on fort riley that is a femail and has children?
  46. How can I stop getting email about people uploading pictures and videos?
  47. How many people have been with funadvice 2+ years?
  48. How can I upload an animated photo on FunAdvice?
  49. Who thinks FunAdvice could use a few more categories?
  50. Why are there more updates than questions all the time...?
  51. Can i change my mood in fun advice and also can I block my profile from other users?
  52. Is there anything in the rules that says there can only be a certain number of Admins?
  53. How can i get my profile to be private?
  54. how do i make it so funadvice does send me an update to my email everytime i have a new alert?
  55. What happed to the upload videos from your drive?
  56. why can't i post a URL?
  57. Where did the "my photos" button go from under my name on my profile?
  58. why is it so hard to get followers?
  59. can you ask a question anomously?
  60. Why do my questions disappear from the homepage?
  61. How do you give someone a link, to someone's profile, or a link to a question update...?
  62. What's it like when you first have lovecup (sx)?
  63. Who thinks we should be able to block certain people from answering our questions or commenting on our updates?
  64. Why am I not getting any alerts?
  65. how can i be independent and not a follower . ?
  66. Do all videos that are posted on FunAdvice have to be serious?
  67. Why do I get redirected to another question after I answer one sometimes?
  68. Why can't I upload a photo in my answers?
  69. Why is it not working? ok this is supposed to be a quiestion how do you put a content in???????
  70. How does the system decide how many points someone gives when they "like" a question?
  71. How do you get your points up?
  72. Can I post up a picture from my blackberry?
  73. What do we do if we ask a question, and nobody answers it after a long while?
  74. Is there a "like" limit for questions?
  75. How do you feel about the points system?
  76. how can i delete my picture from my account?
  77. How can I upload a video to show you guys - besides youtube or vimeo?
  78. When can we make our questions anonymous again?
  79. What category do you put photos in when you aren't really sure if they fit in a category?
  80. How can I add photos to my howto?
  81. Why is it every time i try to funmail someone it goes to my inbox?
  82. Is there a way you can stop following ppl on this site?
  83. Do you ever wonder what other (more common) FA members sound like/look like... what accents, voice etc?
  84. is all funmail private?
  85. What do you think of my storyline?
  86. Does a 'How to' have to be written or can it be all in one video?
  87. is this site somethin like twitter??!!??
  88. what does the lower case "a" in a tiny blue shield mean?
  89. How should I handle this situation?
  90. Why did funadvice copy another Q&A site about the points thing?
  91. What is the biggest decession you've made so far in your life?
  92. May I close a question if I no longer need the help that was asked for?
  93. How do I find old advice that I've given?
  94. how do i get fun advice to not send me e-mails?
  95. how do u unfollow ppl ?
  96. Why can't i add pictures, With out it messing up?
  97. What do you think is the funniest photo on FunAdvice?
  98. why if people on here have only 1 photo, you can't comment on it?
  99. Why do half of my questions turn out as status updates even though I start with who, what, ect and end in a question mark ?
  100. why are most religious questions locked?