Food & Dining Questions

  1. What do fixings mean when someone says thay're gonna add it to thei
  2. What should I eat that is light?
  3. Why do pepper make you sneeze?
  4. Peanut Capital of the World Question
  5. saltines healthy?
  6. Who invented coolwhip
  7. How many carrots do you have to eat to make your skin turn orange?
  8. Is your food digested ?
  9. Loose tea vs bagged tea
  10. Healthy food
  11. Whats your favorite fruit?
  12. Whats your favorite beer??
  13. Just how many?
  14. Jello Shots?
  15. Cadburys Creme Egg
  16. Buttery Nipple
  17. what is the difference between an iced mocha and an ice latte.
  18. Whats your favourite take away food?
  19. Who loves wotsits sandwiches?
  20. Tomato rice
  21. Long John Baha Fish Taco
  22. Carrots are good for your eyes
  23. Gyros??
  24. Gross Things
  25. Slowcooker
  26. Cake decorating tips
  27. burnt cookies? help...asap
  28. Fibre
  29. Eating ribs
  30. Pupusas anyone!.lol
  31. pop corn @ the moviesss yummm HELP
  32. Blueberry jam???
  33. commercial cooking
  34. southern comfort
  35. How many licks does it take? The world may never know.
  36. Which one is bigger whopper or big mac.
  37. How to make gum at home
  38. How much does tofu cost and where do you buy it?
  39. what is unsweaten tea ?
  40. whats your favorite kinda cream for coffee!
  41. Newlywed cake
  42. What are some good recipe websites?
  43. Like melting cheese on taco shells?
  44. Sick from ice cream sandwich??
  45. Spanish recipes??? :)
  46. Cooking dinner for my boyfriend
  47. How long to cook potatoes
  48. How do I make cheesecake?
  49. Eating fish
  50. Movie treat?
  51. where can I have a yummy crispy pizza?
  52. Easy No-Bake Cheesecake
  53. What foods can I take from canada to the usa?
  54. Which one is better?
  55. my weird and random question
  56. is it weird?
  57. Hillbily Wings
  58. who love's chocolate???
  59. mcdonald salad
  60. Whats your favorite Mexican Candy???
  61. Dinner~ Random
  62. Deep fried cockroaches, are they the grossest food you've heard of?
  63. Breakfast problems (potential vegan with sugar problems)
  64. Does anybody know a good cupcake recipe?
  65. What do you like better: coke or sprite?
  66. Why does milk
  67. What should I make for lunch? :)
  68. Hot Cheetos?
  69. Are breads getting smaller?
  70. What am I allergic to
  71. What are the upsides and downsides of becoming a vegetarian?
  72. how many calories are in one cup of raw vegetables?
  73. How to cook or eat squash?
  74. Why can't I eat in front of people?!?!
  75. Does anyone have a good recipe for zuchinni muffins?
  76. What are some good vegetarian meals?
  77. Fast Food Chicken
  78. what is your stomach digesting right now?
  79. another cookie question
  80. My Cookies suck!
  81. Is it true that coffee stunts your growth?
  82. banana and mayo
  83. Butter + Wonder Bread
  84. whats te diff between reg. soymilk and chocolate soymilk??
  85. What do you call soft drinks?
  86. Is it bad not to eat pork or sausage
  87. what is your favorite type of cake???
  88. Japanese Tea Ceremony
  89. Does anyone know any good Italian recipes?
  90. Canned goods
  91. Does this italian garlic dish have a name?
  92. Are stride rappers eatible?
  93. Who loves cheese?
  94. D-Donuts
  95. Double Yolked Egg
  96. starbucks or booster juice?
  97. Fried Chicken
  98. What can I make for lunch at work?
  99. has anyone tried the new asian chicken at wendys?
  100. Raspberries