what is your stomach digesting right now?

what is your stomach digesting right now??

Answer #1



Answer #2

Um…odd question…I haven’t eaten today,but I get ready to eat PIZZA! XD

Answer #3

watermellon penut butter snadwitch 3 bananas 6 raw eggs blended with power powder and a jellow cup

Answer #4

coyote canyon food!

Answer #5

Black Rasberry Ice Cream and soon a Wild Berry Poptart

Answer #6

bread. lol. ^_^

Answer #7

a taco.

lmao. :)

Answer #8

Top raman (chicken flavor) banana pudding 2 crackers

Answer #9


Answer #10

Nothing,haven’t eaten since I woke up.

Answer #11

let me see a hot dog lol

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