Food & Dining Questions

  1. did you ever try watermelon jelly??
  2. how do you make frozen chocolate dipped bananas??
  3. what is black pepper corns made out of?
  4. Who has tried the votka-energy drink combination(it ROCKS :D)?
  5. What italian food is this?
  6. what is a good (affordable) vegetarian meal (lunch) for a romantic date?
  7. What is the difference between a cupcake and a muffin?
  8. Is sushi heathy or good for you to eat?
  9. Why do they store water in bottles, and soda in cans?
  10. Who else eats raman (Sp?) noodles without cooking them or anything, just straight out of the package? I do. :)
  11. Why do croutons come in airtight packages, it's just stale bread to begin with?
  12. How did people keep their food frozen/cold before refrigerators/freezers were around?
  13. Is there butterscotch in "Werthers Original"?
  14. how do i learn to make root beer from scratch?
  15. How much water does a watermelon really have?
  16. What cake mix and icing will go together well?
  17. Can you take frozen ground meat, thaw it out, and then refreeze it, or is that not safe?
  18. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, and so on can go bad, but what about seeds?
  19. What is the difference between a soup and a stew?
  20. do you know josh baker?
  21. What is your favorite BEEF dish?
  22. What is the best cheese to use on philly cheese steak sandwiches?
  23. Did you know Special K cereal has more calories(120) than Captain crunch(100)?
  24. Where would you rather eat, an authentic Mexican restaurant, or Taco Bell?
  25. What food commercial sucks you in every time and makes absolutely need to get it as soon as you can?
  26. Are Linda McCartney Sausages any good?
  27. how does "orbit mist" gum make it so there is liquid?
  28. What is the one item you put on most of the food you eat?
  29. What is caviar made of - fish eggs, or snails?
  30. What is the fondant bakery's use to make cakes actually made of, do you eat that part, and what does it taste like?
  31. What is your favorite hard liquor?
  32. could somebody give me a list or a site where I can find neat table skirting ideas, pictures and how-tos??..plss
  33. What is the difference between a wrap & a burrito?
  34. Why are my salsa and marinades too thick?
  35. What are somethings you crave?
  36. How many of you wish there was a magical food machine that makes any food you want appear right in front of you?
  37. Who has ever ate ice cream for breakfast?
  38. What are some yummy, raw, healthy dinner/lunch recipes that I can make?
  39. who has always wanted to start or be in a food fight?
  40. Is drinking alcohol good for health?
  41. Does hot cheetos give people diarrhea?
  42. what ever happened to prizes in ceral boxes?
  43. what is a good (but affordable and easy to make) meal for a date???
  44. What is your favorite crepe filling?
  45. Are the new coconut M&M's the best M&M ever?
  46. Who knows if jello is freezeable?
  47. What is the best way to learn how to use chopsticks?
  48. What is the best thing to order at taco bell?
  49. how do i cook good rids?
  50. how many calories are in a chocolate iced donut?
  51. who likes gelato better than icecream?
  52. What are you opinions on the new "5 react gum"?
  53. What is a food that you love now, but that you couldnt stand a few years ago?
  54. Are calorie free sweeteners actually bad for you?
  55. How many types of cheese are there?
  56. How do you like the new pepsi and coke bottle caps?
  57. what is the #1 best fruit for you?
  58. What are some healthier things i can eat when im craving salty foods?
  59. Can someone give me the steps to making Chicken Tamales??????
  60. who else agrees that there should be a drive thru where you can buy chocolate, cake, cookies, ect. ?
  61. Do you usually have a certain drink you must always drink with a certain meal?
  62. What is your favorite salad dressing?
  63. why does cheese always taste better melted?
  64. How do you eat rice with chopsticks?
  65. What's your favorite kind of cookie?
  66. Can you order pizza online with a credit card?
  67. How do I get rid of excess water in my food while cooking?
  68. what is the strongest alcohol?
  69. Is it bad to eat ramen noodles raw?
  70. What are some good snacks out?
  71. Who thinks the "old" coca-cola that they had a long time ago (1899) or (1960) was better than the new one?
  72. where do you buy cheese curds?
  73. what ever happen to yoohoo?
  74. are there any food that i should avoid to prevent acne ?
  75. What is better, soy milk or regular milk?
  76. What are some types of candy?
  77. what you usually eat for dinner on sunday nights?
  78. Who here knows some good recipes to use in a rice steamer? I want to try a lot of different things, hopefully the ingredients won't cost too much!
  79. Whats the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan?
  80. What is the best cheese to go with Riondo Prosecco (Sparkling wine)??
  81. What is a frappanico?
  82. Who here is addicted to StarBucks coffee?
  83. Where can you find Toxic Waste Candy?
  84. Who here as ever put off trying a certain food because you thought you'd hate it?
  85. What do you dip your french fries into?
  86. Who here likes Cottage Cheese?
  87. Who here finds people who turn up their base too loud while you are trying to order in drive thru annoying?
  88. Can vegetarians eat beans? i've always wondered this. I know that beans are in the meat and poultry group...correct? are they aloud to eat them?
  89. Do you buy/eat the food inside the fridge at the supermarket that reads "Has preservatives?"
  90. What is your favorite brand of instant ramen?
  91. What kind of rice is your favorite?
  92. Who out there have eaten crawfish before?
  93. What; will it work if I fry slices of potatoes in olive oil?
  94. What is your favorite brand and flavored chips?
  95. What is your favorite snack food(s)?
  96. Who thinks that Gatorade isn't as good as it used to be?
  97. When heating food or leftovers, do you usually use the microwave, or just pre-heat on the oven?
  98. How fatning is a regular chicken roll from a pizzeria ?
  99. Who here likes Lefsa? I love lefsa but haven't had it since I was 17. :(
  100. What is your favorite junk food?