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What is your favorite brand and flavored chips?
I love flaming hot cheetos, blazing buffalo ranch doritos, I have many lol.
Takis :]
I haven’t ever heard of it…hmm. If I may ask… What is Takis?
Sour Cream and Cheddar ruffles!
Cheeto fries. :D
Barbeque Ruffles and Hot Cheetos
Thats cool. It looks good.
i like flameing hot cheetos & flamein hot funyuns, and hot cheeto puffs and doritos colisions in the green and orange bag {i 4got the name of em}
Nacho cheese doritos, when i’m feeling like a plain jane, but Taco’s at midnight, when i’m felling like a wild willy!
Also, Mighty Zingers are tastey. I think that’s Cheetos?
Nacho doritos will always be the best. Honestly those doritos are good with spinach dip. It may sound nasty, but its extremely good.
ICKY! I’ve thought about taking taco flavored doritos and melting shredded cheese on them then putting letteus and sour cream on them to make like, taco nacos!
lol not a bad idea with the cheese…dont know too much abt rest of the stuff
VCUT spicy bbq potato chips :-)
Sour cream and onion lays
Takis <3 :D
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My favorites are Mama, Shin Ramyun, and Indomie. :)
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what are your favorite ice cream flavours?
Athidhi Flavors From India
Indian Restaurant, Dining, Culinary Experience
Drinks on Wheels Ltd
Alcohol Retail, E-commerce, Beverage
Mr Shers Ice Cream and Desserts
Ice Cream Shop, Dessert Caterer, Event Services
The Ragnarök Hot Sauce Company
Food & Beverage, Condiments, Specialty Foods
UMA Foods
Indian Grocery Store, European Grocery Store, Spices