What is better, soy milk or regular milk?

and which is more fattier..if u get what i mean :)

Answer #1

I would personally say regular milk because soy milk is digusting. But, this website explains everything :)


hope that helps :)

Answer #2

Depends on what type of milk you are drinking. Skim milk would be healthier then full cream milk. Too much full cream or cream milks can clot the arteries. Soya milk is nice but it’s an acquired taste, not overly fond of it. Sometimes I add the soya milk to my tea but it taste like drinking someone else’s cigarette ashtray, which puts me off drinking soya on a regularly basis. :(

Answer #3

Soy milk is super super amazing!!! >:( and if you think soy milks disgusting, well soy milk thinks you’re disgusting too!!! HMMPH! XP

Answer #4

I am not sure exactly. But I would say soy milk. I have just always heard that “soy” is good. I personally love the taste of Silk soy milk in vanilla flavor. It has a great taste, it’s sweet. You should try it :)

Answer #5

soy milk.. is healthier for you

Answer #6

Regular milk is waayyy betta

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