Questions & Answers

  1. OMG I have suuchh bad sundamage alll over my face waht do I do?
  2. I want to know if boyfriend my is a virgin but I don't know how to ask him
  3. Family drama
  4. Vaginal issues
  5. hair : )
  6. Angry Songs
  7. boyfriend always looking at girls butts and saying things?
  8. why is middle school like a rollarcoaster?
  9. why is middle school like a rollarcoaster?
  10. scene eye makeup
  11. babay red bird
  12. homeless man with blue eyes?
  13. 100m sprint
  14. How do I stop my cat from peeing on the oven
  15. dogs fighting, help!
  16. afraid to grow up.
  17. my parent are getting a divorce.
  18. Waxing arms...
  19. Head rushes...
  20. I'm worried about my chihuahua
  21. Mood boosters
  22. chlorine + acryllic nails.
  23. Celeb crush
  24. diving lessons ... waat?
  25. 15-year old daughter has no respect for me
  26. greek question
  27. help me get a new aim sn
  28. Runaways
  29. I want a cord that connects my acer laptop with samsung LCD TV
  30. why does this keep happening?
  32. whats some good music to run to?
  33. whats in style
  34. what to wear to be in style for school?
  35. hunting in oregon
  36. industrial bar piercing?
  37. Water towers.
  38. How many days can one survive with absoulutely no food or water?
  39. Are we still in a bad Economy
  40. How do I stop being too sensitive?
  41. How can we be friends again?
  42. translation in English
  43. whats a good prank to pull on someone?
  44. Do guys like girls in lacy bras and thongs?
  45. Where can I find plus size neon clothing?
  46. What is the best way to lose weight?
  47. Why do i feel shaky inside?
  48. Clockwork Orange Full Version Film
  49. Miniskirts: how short is too short?
  50. Advice on squirting during masturbation?
  51. camera issues of doom
  52. What are some poerty or storie contests?
  53. What might this irritation be?
  54. How do you track your period?
  55. which is better?
  56. how do you get rid of shaving spots near your vagina?
  57. How to get rid of constipation?
  58. How long does it take a dog to get pregnant?
  59. Do all pandas know kung fu?
  60. diet problems (losing my apetite)
  61. What is the Latin word for echo or echoing?
  62. How can I find my long lost cousin?
  63. Learning How To Play The Piano
  64. Are piercings in a girl a turn on or off?
  65. How do I change my security question without having the answer?
  66. Guinea Pig Hair
  67. Twilights Edward Cullen
  68. How Do I Get Necklace Stains Off My Neck?
  69. losing weight for my type of body
  70. Dirty text messages for my girlfriend?
  71. How can I make it smell better down there?
  72. Inheritance scam/williams parker/uk
  73. What to say during sex?
  74. Pig for a pet
  75. What should I do about this man?
  76. Help/At what age should I spay my female?
  77. grunge style ideas
  78. Pressing charges?
  79. what do I say to get my boyfriend to have sex with me?
  80. Good leg exercises!
  81. Might I be pregnant on Trinessa?
  82. how old were u
  83. What natural color highlight??
  84. best way to get rid of love handles?
  85. knifes
  86. When I go to school!
  87. Which nail polish should I mix?
  88. should I wear a dress on the first day?
  89. do any of you swallow your own cum?
  90. does a woman cum everytime she has an orgasm?
  91. Are nose piercings done fast or slow?
  92. Puppy eats crap and grass.
  93. Any advice being new at school?
  94. How to sleep the night before school?
  95. Temperature for a love bird's egg?
  96. Candy man a scary film?
  97. Is there anything I can do to get my bunny to stop kicking?
  98. How do I make my legs look better from sugery scars?
  99. How to get hair glue out?
  100. which caracter is in a two dollars bill.