Questions & Answers

  1. How does my story plot sound to you? Critiques welcome:)
  2. Can teachers apply for social security benefits during the summer?
  3. How do you feel about the comeback of boy-bands?
  4. Why do my photos keep appearing twice?
  5. Is it possible for a clear/white filling to turn silver?
  6. What address do I use when writing about problems with my phone?
  7. Are modern self proclaimed liberals more liberal or more Libido Dominandi?
  8. What could be the cause of my constant "hiccups"?
  9. How much does a mobile broadband device cost and which is the best one?
  10. FunAdvice Trivia: Where did former first lady Pat Nixon die on June 22, 1993 at the age of 81?
  11. Why are my dreams so disgusting?
  12. Where can I buy video games for cheap?
  13. Does anyone get very bad headaches after a vigorous workout of running?
  14. Is there a way to stop being paralyzed when you wake up?
  15. Where can I find Juliet Simms' full audition?
  16. Can I move to Canada with a sponsor for high school year 12 there?
  17. What do you most affiliate with clouds? Ex: Cotton, Marshmallows, Fluffy, etc,.
  18. Can a cop search you without permission?
  19. What's a good way to handle my anger?
  20. Would YOU ever have sex with someone with herpes, like, with a condom and stuff?
  21. Is this considered child abuse (read more)?
  22. What does 'feminine' mean ?
  23. What would happen if I only washed my hair with conditioner for a whole month?
  24. Did you know that people are putting microchips under their dog's skin?
  25. Is it ok to eat chocolate that is discolored?
  26. Are people who have "more" obligated to help those with "less"?
  27. What's the worst way you have been woken up?
  28. FunAdvice Trivia: Who was the voice of Batman on BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES?
  29. How often does someone have to induce vomiting to be considered bulimic? o.O
  30. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Slow Cooker Classic Chicken Stew
  31. What does it mean when a girl's nipples start to hurt?
  32. What does hydrogen do to fire?
  33. How do I tell my family that I'm moving out of state?
  34. What are some good Spanish songs or artists I can listen to?
  35. How to widen your vagina?
  36. How do I know if my African Dwarf Frogs are getting enough to eat?
  37. What to do if my dogs got into a fight and almost killed each other?
  38. What's the quickest way to get rid of a cold sore?
  39. Would you ever put someone in a nursing home?
  40. What's the weather usually like in Denver, CO in late May and early June?
  41. Where can I find a book like Essential Elements 2000?
  42. Can I play Sims on an airplane?
  43. How did my boyfriend get stuck while licking me out?
  44. Does anyone know why Suave Keratin Infusion Kit says do not use on perms?
  45. What happens if you mix Alli pills with alchol?
  46. What is JobsCorp?
  47. When is the best time to go to Vegas?
  48. What should I do about my brother's constant mental abuse?
  49. Where can I get a fake historical newspaper?
  50. What age do you think is suitable for permanent hair dye?
  51. Is the movie "In Time" starring Justin Timberlake good?
  52. Would it be okay to put tinted lotion on the night before getting a tattoo?
  53. What are the best foods to eat and not eat when trying to lose weight?
  54. what do u do when someone starts shit with u?
  55. Why is there a "Remove follower | Stop from following you" If it doesn't work?
  56. Why do newborn babies sleep with their arms upwards by their head?
  57. What would happen to you if you drank windex?
  58. How to convince my mom to get me a car?
  59. What are some ideas for decorating my new bedroom?
  60. how do I deal with my boyfriends parents?
  61. How can I talk to my parents about money in an adult way?
  62. Did my cat get run over?
  63. What does 'infamous' mean?
  64. How do I avoid these people I hate when they're going to be at my house?
  65. What happened to my WMV files?
  66. Can benzoyl peroxide lighten moles?
  67. Does anyone have a recipe to make Mamenori or Soybean paper?
  68. Can anyone name any good bands of the genre "Djent"?
  69. How often should I get my hair done?
  70. What are options for an abortion?
  71. How old do kittens have to be before I can feed them kitten food?
  72. What significant life changing expierences helped you become who you are today?
  73. How can I completely shave my vagina?
  74. How do automatic fish feeders work?
  75. What is the big deal with the security guards of the president in Colombia?
  76. Does any body know about Hatsune Miku?
  77. Does anyone here have/has had their hips pierced?
  78. What should I do about this cat that keeps appearing on my porch?
  79. Is "Why We Broke Up" by Daniel Handler a good book?
  80. Is Masterbating Healthy ?
  81. What should I do with my brother's unemployed situation?
  82. Where do you stand on Russia's whole anti- gay propaganda?
  83. What are your opinions on these dungarees (photo link)?
  84. What qualifications do you get from each stage of education in the UK?
  85. Do I have to renew my work permit?
  86. Is it possible to have time off college because of depression?
  87. What is this grit in my oil?
  88. Can someone simply explain 9/11 to me?
  89. FunAdvice Trivia: Bangladesh proclaimed its independence on March 26, 1971. What was its previous name?
  90. Who is good at math and can solve this problem?
  91. Can medication delay your period?
  92. What will happen if you take estrogen but don't wear sunscreen?
  93. Why do many teens feel it is not cool to use protection when tanning?
  94. How can I act more mature on things?
  95. Why is it that when I'm in a good mood and I feel like writing, but when I'm in a horrible mood and really sad I write amazing stuff?
  96. What are some good suicide songs? I'm doing a video for my english class on teen suicide and I need a song to go along with the video.
  97. How are you suppose to bake weed brownies?
  98. Why are tramp stamps called tramp stamps?
  99. Is it possible to die from an extremely bad sunburn?
  100. How would I write a letter of petition to my school to drop two of my marks (more)?