Questions & Answers

  1. Do front shoulder tattoos hurt?
  2. What exactly does iCloud do?
  3. Why do cats get angry when they see you filming them?
  4. Which of these shirts should I get from UNIF?
  5. What can I do to help my face while in the shower?
  6. FunAdvice Trivia: The c.ockatoo bird calls which part of the world its home?
  7. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Italian Tuna-Melt Burgers
  8. Can anyone tell me a good photoediting website?
  9. Who would win in a fight between a vampire and a werewolf?
  10. What do you think are the most important factors in successfully reversing traditional gender roles concerning child care?
  11. Do you think a man needs to have any particular personality traits to choose to stay home with his children?
  12. How would I go about getting a handgun for protection in Arizona?
  13. How to overcome Laziness?
  14. What are some suggestions for pizza toppings?
  15. How to approach a stud lesbian?
  16. How do I get my daughter's father to spend more time with her?
  17. Ok I'm not a frequent user but last week n a little Saturday till Sunday am early b4 sun was up I used coke.
  18. How would I bake my falafel when using a falafel mix that instructs you to fry it?
  19. Where can I buy corn snakes in Delaware?
  20. Does your height matter when you date someone?
  21. Can people tell if you're wearing the wrong bra size?
  22. If I start an essay in past tense, can I change it to present tense later in the same essay or not?
  23. Should size matter in a relationship?
  24. How can I become a famous singer?
  25. Is the Iraq war justified; why or why not?
  26. Is there a way to control the natural Melatonin your body produces?
  27. What is the name of the disorder that makes you think you're ugly or fat?
  28. Can someone explain the differences and uses in sentences of their, they're, and there?
  29. What can a 15 year old girl do to make her breasts grow?
  30. How do you soften cream cheese for baking and mixing?
  31. What is the difference between a hedgehog and a porcupine?
  32. How does tanning lotion work?
  33. How long would an avocado stay good out of the fridge after being cut in half?
  34. FunAdvice Trivia: What is 'Permafrost'?
  35. What are some good ways to pick up girls?
  36. What is the best stress relief exercise that you do?
  37. Does using lipstick really spoil the natural lip color?
  38. Is there any lip liner that can be used on any color lipstick or do we have to use every lipstick with it's own one?
  39. How do you escape if someone who you do not like in the college tries to flirt with you?
  40. How can I create word search puzzles myself?
  41. Is Orgins really the last of the Virtual Villagers series?
  42. How much have infidelity rates risen in the past 10 years?
  43. Can seeds sprout or germinate in bark?
  44. How long does it take for hair to grow?
  45. How do I write a song that truly expresses how I feel and tag it along with guitar?
  46. What's the easiest way to tell your mom you're pregnant at 16?
  47. Would you be allowed to bring a hedgehog with you on vacation via plane?
  48. How to get rid of in-grown hairs on legs?
  49. Do you feel it's okay to bring a stun gun to school if your mom said it was okay and you're being bullied?
  50. Is it true that, by the age of 18, if you are under 5 feet you are legally considered a midget?
  51. Why does YouTube not work on my iPod?
  52. What happens if I run away at 15 from where I don't want to live?
  53. What does the discovery of archaeopteryx reveal about the ways scientists view the same data?
  54. Should I be freaking out if I have pernicious anemia?
  55. What are some good songs about bullying and suicide?
  56. What is the closest strip club?
  57. What do you guys think of that awful news about that 24 year old woman who has that flesh eating virus?
  58. Does anyone know a good brownie recipe?
  59. What is a healthy baking blog/website?
  60. How do you get the surface area of a composite shape consisting of a cylinder and a rectangular prism?
  61. Do you think Obama deserves a second term; why or why not?
  62. What is some good techno like Daft Punk?
  63. How do you get that "special" FunAdvice link when you answer a question?
  64. Why are there a lot of death hoaxes these days?
  65. What is some great funk music?
  66. Do you think that aliens are demons?
  67. Where can I buy seaweed?
  68. How can you find out the size of your finger? (for a ring)
  69. What is your opinion on Elton John and his partner David having a baby?
  70. Do all Apple products have a GPS in them?
  71. Does anyone know any good animal food samples?
  72. Do you think that Lenore from the poem "Lenore" is the same Lenore from The Raven?
  73. FunAdvice Trivia: Who really invented the first recorded record in 1887?
  74. What is the point of muscle confusion?
  75. Why do I look different every day?
  76. When I first get my lip pierced, should I get a ring or stud put in?
  77. Do you have to get your wisdom teeth extracted?
  78. Is it okay for a student that has graduated to text/call a teacher?
  79. Is there any logical reason why I haven't had my period for the last 3 months?
  80. Can someone help me with my introduction for my essay?
  81. Can anyone help with my Samsung Lt205 digital camera problem?
  82. Why do I bloat even if I only consume water?
  83. What is the most beautiful beach in the world?
  84. What's a website that shows you how to make a lot of pretty necklaces besides YouTube?
  85. What are some online FPS multiplayer PC games for free?
  86. How do police use marked bills to their advantage?
  87. Would it be okay if I put foundation over my whitehead?
  88. Does anyone have any idea where Piers Morgan is from?
  89. Is that true that God was banned from schools?
  90. Does anybody know why hot dogs are called hot dogs?
  91. How do I get my mom to let me go to the dance?
  92. Was it wrong for a teacher to ask if me and my best friend (girl) were a "thing"?
  93. What is retribution?
  94. Which is a better job: a forensic psychiatrist or a pediatrician?
  95. What's the moral of The Truman Show?
  96. Can roasted and salted seeds still germinate?
  97. How do you feel about Mitt Romney bullying classmates or walking a blind teacher into a door to make students laugh?
  98. How does nose surgery work?
  99. What kind of music would I like based on my preferences (listed)?
  100. How did Mother's Day come about?