Do you think that aliens are demons?

I have never related those two, but it kinds of make sense that would fit with the statement that God made us to his image and resemblance.

Answer #1

I don’t think aliens exist

Answer #2

They have two entirely different names. Which gives me the idea that they are different, in whatever form they may come in. Although the only demons I have ever seen either come from a bottle of Jack or from a needle.

Answer #3

I think of aliens as just like humans, but live differently.

Answer #4

They both exist!!((:

Answer #5

“IF” aliens exist, I don’t believe they have ever been “here”. So, what a demon is, is an evil spirit involved with satan. To answer the question, they are not the same or even related. It’s a totally different thing. A demon can also assume the “form” of a dead person in order to decieve(hence the word because satan is the great deciever and liar) If you see the ghost of “John Doe” for example, it’s not really him but rather a demon. In the Bible, see Corinthians 11: 14 and 15, and Hebrews 9:27 for the Biblical explanation of this which I believe to be the truth.

Answer #6

I believe aliens could be some form of deamons , its a bit hard to say that cause i believe we have been visited not by 1 but multiple alien races over the course of human civilization, some gods ( like the egyptian gods potrayed in paintings especially those during the pyramids being built) who are perhaps a superior race who humans worshipped back in the day.

Answer #7

I don’t think aliens exist either…..Demons/Demonic forces/satan, absolutely exist…..

Answer #8

Demons are a supernatural force associated with religion, aliens are extraterrestrial beings that have evolved to the point of intelligent thought, much like humans. Aliens may be more or less technologically advanced than humans that may or may not have had contact with Earth and humankind. Demons are immortal beings that rely on deceit and trickery to influence the minds of mortals, aliens are simply another form of intelligent, mortal being. I suppose that demons could assume the form of an alien just like they could assume the form of a human, but it doesn’t mean that they ARE alien. I’m not saying I believe in demons or aliens, but they are definitely two separate entities.

Answer #9

they’re just like we would be if their planet were our planet. They’re just curious, thats why they visit so often but that doesnt make them demons

Answer #10

my uncle is considered an “Alien” in America xD> but now no more :P> “i guess” xD>

Answer #11

Oops, 2nd corinthians 11:15 nd hebrews 9:27

Answer #12

I like how people believe in demons and not aliens even though there are no proof for demons and plenty of proof for aliens. I think if aliens visited our planet in the past they could have been perceived as demons but not demons are a religious concept and aliens most likely exist due to the vastness of the universe and the fact that life happened by mere chance on earth so it could happen elsewhere

Answer #13

And I don’t think demons exist.

Answer #14

I reserve belief in the possibilty of both.

The ancient greeks described human psyches as being possessed by demons… these are personified by the little devils sitting on our shoulders influencing our decisions in more modern illustrations. The idea that our psyches are influenced by incorporealities is the basis for the borrowed latin word… GENIUS. It may sound fanciful… but philosphers of the mind still argue as to where the true nature of the mind resides… since determinism was proven unable to accurately predict collapses of particle wave functions.

All that being said… I agree… aliens could be mistaken for demons and vice versa. It depends upon our definition of each. In my mind… a demon is an entity existing outside the realm of human perception. Since we are beings of limited perception… our definition of reality is a subjective one. Empirical evidence… therefore… is of limited authority. It is possible that many realities exist that we are unaware of… due to our limited range of perception. This universe could be but one in a multiverse… the inhabitants of which… could be said to be real… but impossible to know empirically. Entities could exist in this universe imperceivable to human sensation.

The fact that our minds… of limited capacity… are able to conjure up beings unkown to us… speaks volumes as to the possibility in limitless space, time, and beyond.

Answer #15

Well…. Aliens probably have their own religion, so they must have their own demons. Not all of them are, just some of them. Just like us :)

Answer #16

no aliens are living demons have never been alive.

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