How to overcome Laziness?

I waste a lot of time sitting on computer or watching TV and doing useless things. And whenever there is an important thing to do like exams, I become lazy and my mind does’nt want to go that way. so can anyone tell me How to overcome that laziness?

Answer #1

work work work

Answer #2

First you have to accept that it’s not laziness - it’s avoidance.

And then you have to realize that we all have to do things we don’t like doing, e.g. cleaning, grocery shopping, cutting our toenails, whatever it is, we do those things because there is a pay-off. Right?

And finally - recognize that you only get to live this life once, and watching TV, browsing the internet, may possibly be stealing hours and hours a week from all the vibrant, interesting things you could be doing.

Answer #3

We do things NOT BECAUSE WE HAVE TO, BECAUSE WE WANT TO. some for things we don’t do -.-

Answer #4

Laziness is an addiction. Commitment to hard work is the only way out of it.

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