Is that true that God was banned from schools?

Why somebody would do something like that, but on the other hand, we have a pc game called diablo with his picture and nobody has banned that game why is that favoritism? What do you think? tell me please thank you.

Answer #1

Yes. And, because not everyone believes in God. If you want to learn about God, join a parochial school. And I don’t think the PC game has anything to do with it.

Answer #2

unfortunately, it is true that God is no longer welcome in US schools. It is the fault of politicians that would rather ban God than face a few people with a minority opinion. What they should have done was welcome all religions, rather than ban God

As long as teachers give test, there will be prayer in school.

Answer #3

Not literally of’s absurd to think that man has any power to BAN God - More accurate to say education has shunned any Teachings of the Bible to young people …the age-old struggle between good and our detrement, evil at present is winning..but that won’t last….

Answer #4

Cause thats a game out to the public. It’s just in school, that people cannot preach about god because there is so mnay different races and religions. If you go to a cathlic or whatever religion you are school, then thats ok cause everyone is that religion. Or even some private schools it’s ok to preach.

Answer #5

Yes, you are not supposed to talk about any religions inside of school (unless it is a school for that religion). This is because not everyone shares the same beliefs, and may get offended by it, and may feel like you are trying to push your religion onto them or may get offended if you say you don’t believe in God. It is just so that no one get offended or anything like that

Answer #6

God has not been “banned” from school. Teachers, however, are not allowed to include religion and spirituality in their teaching unless it is part of the curriculum, such as a religion class. This is not “evil” as some have said, it is the exclusion of religion from academics. It is very hard to learn about certain subjects with the influence and bias or religion weighing heavily upon them. The exclusion of religion means that academics are able to be more objective and less biased than it would be with the use of religious subject matter. If a parent or a child wishes to have religion included in their day-to-day learning then they may attend a school that is allowed to teach this way.

Answer #7

Niky, there is not “struggle for good and evil.” Christians have Church for a reason: to educate willing learners of their beliefs and values. Public schools are being pushed towards a more academic way of teaching rather than a religious/spiritual way that should be left for catholic schools, the Church, and religion studies within public schools.

Answer #8

there was a kid who got expeled for praying at lunch cause he was sitting next to an atheist (dont know how to spell it) and plus the dude who got expelled was a friend of mine.

Answer #9

I attend a religious school, not catholic tho, it’s protestant. The way I see it is religious people pay property taxes just like everyone else, so their kids should be able to express their beliefs in public schools the same as everyone else. My Dad pays almost 5k a year in property taxes and he doesn’t even have kids in a public school, both my brother and me attend a private school.

Answer #10

I’m not sure how school taxes work where you are, but here, you pay taxes to public schools if your child attends a public school, and you pay taxes to a Catholic school if your child attends a Catholic school. Taxes are for the better of the entire community and should not be restricted to one group based on religious belief.

Answer #11

“God” has not been banned … religious influence has been banned. A public school should either teach no religion, or all religions (which is what the public schools do here). If you want to learn under the rule of God, there are private schools you can attend … it’s about respect for all, not just one group of people who feel they are being persecuted because prayer was taken out of public schools.

Answer #12

Your not allowed to have your freedom of speech with religion in school. I can understand why they dont teach it becuase there are to many religions to consider but i really see it wrong to tell people they cant pray when they feel like it unless its interrupting class. Or express there religion when in school. If people get offended (there always will be no matter where you are) its their fault. Let people be who they are. Worship who they want. If they are not physically harming you then its not your business. Kid got expelled from school for praying… that rediculous. There is se.xual assult and more things to worry about than someone praying.

Answer #13

The one thing that was banned was officially sanctioned prayer in schools. For a school official to lead a prayer falls into the establishment clause of the 1st amendment which makes it unconstitutional. Students are given a great deal of freedom to worship as they choose at school. Prayer is common in valedictorian speeches, before meals, among groups of like-minded students. etc.

Answer #14

It’s an equality question actually. Schools are for everyone. Schools are for Christians, schools are for Buddhists, schools are for Muslims, schools are for Hindus, schools are for Pagans, schools are for Shintoists, schools are for Agnostics, schools are for Atheists. And for everyone else too.

Now how do you protect Children of minority faiths from being overwhelmed, influenced and possibly converted against their parents will if the teacher and all classmates belong to a majority faith? You can’t.

It is the function of a church/temple to teach their members children about their religion.

It is not the function of states and not the function of public schools to teach the contents any religion as if they were facts. The state either has to teach ALL religions equally - which it can’t do because the teachers cannot know about all religions. (And teachers can hardly be asked to teach about a religion that is not their own.) Or the state must teach no religion at all.

Answer #15

This Christian and the ones I know have Church for one reason alright: To Praise God for Loving mankind enough to Give us Everlasting Life through the Lord Jesus Christ..who died for our sins that we might live…Bottom line is not ‘to educate’, it’s ‘to Praise’.

Answer #16

Yes i agree Niky and there definatly is a struggle between good and evil. Always has been and always will. Are wars we fight are a good example. Hitler. Joseph Kony. All evil and good is struggling to win. To religious people there is a holy war going on.

Answer #17

God isn’t banned from schools, it’s just that some people don’t believe in god, and they get extremely bored when all their teacher talks about is JEE-ZUS. I’m not religious, so if school were to suddenly teach about that, I’d get bored and lose all interest, not to mention, there’d be people who would get very offended. And besides he’s not completely banned, it’s okay to look at Christianity through a research point of view. Students can discuss whatever they want about him, and bring bibles to school, it’s just that formally teaching about god is offensive to some, and uninteresting for others. ( no offense, im just not into religion as a whole)

Answer #18

Yes it was a vialation to the constitution

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